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4th January 2017

New year. 2017.

God. I roll my eyes and put in my earbuds and play California Gurls.

I wonder what Katy's gonna drop for new stuff. I'm really bored. Even the end of last year was boring.

Though hopefully, I've been making friends as that was a goal I think.

The roads are so full with people walking and talking with friends...

Something I clearly can't acquire. No matter how hard I try, I'm always asking for too much.

California Bois are hot. I wonder what they're actually like. Like what's sex on the beach like. OH. What about how they all have sunkissed skin. That's hot.

I mean not like Tom Holland made me gay. Okay, I have a thing for Tom as well. But how can you not? Look at him.

Those eyes. That Jaw. Mhm. That body. And the cherry on top is a undeniable personality. I don't feel really guilty that I'm crushing on him.
I'll get over him soon.


But- What the hell? Why is everyone sitting on a fucking bench it was 0°c last night and raining? It's wet.

Where is? Oh, she's right there. I mean she's bleached her hair and of course, it stands out.

I walk up to her taking out my earbuds tucking them away.

"Yas, Why is everyone here?" I ask the short brunette with blonde highlights.

She turns around and happily waves at me," Oh, there's a new guy at school, Apparently he's really hot," I roll my eyes and look around.

"Let me guess he's a fucking chav. OH, I bet he's a pretty boy with a fucking shitty personality," I state looking for him.

"Where the fuck is he, Yasmin?"

"Oh, he might be your type, Black hair, Blue Eyes-"

"Shut up as if he'd be gay, or bi," I cut her off and she points to him, Oh god he's hot.

"Look I told he's hot-"

"What's his name?" I once again cut her off looking at this hottie. I hope he's bi. He's so fucking hot.

Biting my lip at the new guy that has Black hair, Blue eyes, a fucking chiselled jawline,

"He looks like a California Boi," I say dreamily, gazing over his flawless tan skin. How is it tan?

"Yeah, you said you wanted one to come to our school. Now go on, talk to him," She encourages me, reminding me of all the time's I would never shut up about guys that looked like this.

"What-" I get cut by a whistle stopping our conversation.

"We have to go in now, See you in maths," Yasmin says waving as we part ways.

"See you," I say still looking at the guy.



I walk out my last lesson of course the hottie is in all my classes. I smile remembering first lesson. 

Flashback To First Lesson

I try to answer a question but feel eye's burning in the back of my head like lasers.

The lesson ends and I put my History book back into my bag gazing and glancing over the classroom.

The hot guy was sitting behind me. Was he looking at me this entire time?

I sling my backpack over my arms and walk out the classroom looking around, I see him walking in front of me and pushes his hair back like a model.

Am I really crushing on whose name I don't even know? Who gives a shit I'm shameless.

I get to my other class and see this mystery boy enter with me and catches me looking at him and waves at me. Okay, he's acting like fuckboy. But, Oof. He knows how to make me blush.


I walk through the emptying corridor cause I like leaving away from everyone and see the mystery guy walk up to me but trips and catches himself in front of me and I just stand watching.

That was cute but cringeworthy in London, especially East London.

"H-Hi," The Californian boy stutters, making eye contact. He really does have blue eyes. They look so pretty.

I look at his almost black hair and jawline. It's so defined.

"Hey," I respond with a little wave. And start walking past him.

"Wanna hang out after school?" He casually asks like I know him. I look at him with confusion.

"I don't even know your name and I don't even know you," I explain walking with him.

We walk out, too a oddly empty entrance, I check the time on my phone, wow we really walked that in silence. An oddly comforting silence.

"What is your name?"I ask looking into his dreamy blue eyes, I notice his cheeks turn pink and I see how an American fit into a British school.

He's Fucking perfect.

"My name Ashford, Tyler Ashford," Tyler introduces himself like James bond. God, he is so American, even in it with the last name. But Ashford. Fuck, that's hot.

"Mine's Y/N, Just Y/N. No last name," I introduce taking his open hand as he drags me into a thing with his arm wrapped around my neck. Is that muscle?



He may be American but he's fucking hot, like what?

"I am so glad no one can see us going down this way," I say smiling feeling the warm embrace of a friend. I hope I can call him a friend, I'd be a spoilt little gay if I could.

"Why?" Ashford asks confused pulling me closer. I look at him with a dull expression.

"This. Everyone would just say it's gay and not something that friends do," I say glumly loosening his arm around my neck missing the warmth and- Fuzzy feeling-.

"I guess London is as Glum as it looks," We walk down the curve of the road and taking in the calm silence, just listening to each other's breath. Seeing it steam in the cold weather.

"Yes, it is. But I make do," We come to the split road and I know where to turn and probably can't walk with him.

"I need to go this way," Pointing to the right, looking even more at that face. That gorgeous face. God, what I'd do to see it ab-.

"Sure, I go that way," Pointing the other way, clearing out a strand of hair from his face.

"See ya, Tyler. See you tomorrow," I wave off and walk my way.

"See ya Y/N, I'll see you tomorrow too," Tyler waves at me and winks at me as I walk my way.

Oh shit, he has a nice personality too. Fuck! This gay boy's struggling. He's so hot though.

And that wink~.

He's that perfect guy I've always wanted.


I just hope he's Bi or something.

Would save me some pain.

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now