639 18 2

9th July 2020

"Y/N, What were you like in Secondary?" Tom asks leaning in on me, his eyes wide open twinkling from the light of my phone.

"Why?" I stall answering the question, curiously looking at him. He looks at me with a blank stare.

"Cause I'm curious,"

"Ah. Then I can be too. What were you like?" I shoot back taking advantage of his answer. He looks around then sighs.

"To be honest. It won't surprise you. I was just your average British Teenage boy with shit grades and acting skill. Not very interesting," He blankly explains with eyes wandering around to focus on something.

"Okay, that sounds boring. Then any other questions?" I calmly move on the question, resting my head in my hands, propped up.

"Did you have any crushes on people?" Tom hesitantly and tentatively asks.

"..." I pause, remembering the California Boi that was at my school. God, he was so hot. And for 14 he was a fucking turn-on. I gave him the nick-name California Boi because he looked exactly out of the song California Gurls.

I mean; Black hair like Black hair an inky black hair with natural waves in it. Blue eyes dark, dark, vivid one's that stood out of his entire face. A perfect Jaw, like Tom's to be honest. And a built body which was only noticeable in year 10.

And to top it all off.

Sun Kissed Skin So Hot You'll Melt Your Popsicle.

How did he keep it so naturally tanned looking a British Winter?

Fine, Fresh, Fierce we got it on lock.

But he was so hot. Like damn. And Booty like duh.

"...So I guess that's a yes," Tom interprets, looking down glumly as I blush.

"Hey, don't act so sad. I'm pretty sure he'd make you blush too," I say holding his face lifting it. He looks up and pouts.

"Then tell me about him," He begs in a bit of desperation. I look away and go through my phone.

I wonder if I have a picture of him.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you know the song, California Gurls," I start.

"Yeah, it was the first time I heard you sexually moan," I roll my eyes and carry on.

"How does Katy describe Californians in the song?"

"Sun-kissed skin?"


"Well, There was this guy at my school how I nicknamed California Boi because of how he looked..." I pause after saying that seeing Tom take it in.

"He had Black hair, like inky black hair or jet black with natural wave. Blue eyes which were dark, dark and vivid blue that stod out of his entire face. A perfect jaw, similar to yours. And a built body but that only started to show in year 10," Tom listens to it all with wide eyes, imaging the sight.

"And to top it all off. Sun-Kissed Skin So Hot You'll Melt Your Popsicle," I sigh out dreamily.

"Wow, so he was really the whole package. A-"

"California Boi," Finishing his sentence we both stare into each other.

"How did he treat you? Lemme guess, you didn't even talk to him," Tom jokes smiling at me with his eyes twinkling with joy.

"Haha," I mock rolling my eyes.

"He joined in year 9, not 8. I became a much more sociable creature in year 9," I explain like a nature scientist.

"Clearly. But how did he treat you?" Tom pushes for an answer, pulling me closer to him.

"Really, really nice. Like, I was honestly so surprised that someone wanted to spend time with me out of school. And plus he was really sweet. Like he was from Candifornia," Tom looks at me with confusion, raising a eyebrow.

"Candifornia? Like the place in California-"

"Gurls. Yes, you'd like him," I calmly compliment, Tyler.

"What was his name?" The brown-haired boy asks with a warm, calm tone.


"Just Tyler?"

"Ashford. Tyler Ashford, I know a hot name. Like Y/N Holland," I smirk adding Holland to my name, smiling, meeting Tom's Eye's.

"Tyler Ashford is the guy you had a crush in secondary school. And I think we'd both love it if you we're Y/N Holland,"

"Yeah, I'd fucking Love It," I whisper, raspily. Making bedroom eye's like Marilyn Monroe.

"Then what's mine?"

"Your crush?" Tom nods.

"Britney Spears," We say in unison looking at the ceiling, while I roll my eyes.
Touching our fingers, interlacing them.

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now