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6th June 2021


"Where's Y/N? I've been hiding in this closet for 4 hours," I start making eye contact with Micheal while he eats a toasted peanut butter jelly sandwich.

"I don't know, it's 11:53. He should've been back last night," He shrugs it off and continues eating his sandwich.

"I'm really worried about him now,"

"This is so good, why did I make Americans seem like fatasses for eating this. It's so good," He compliments making so much sound while he ate.

I shake my head, going back to Y/N's master room. Sitting on the floor. Taking out my phone texting Y/N.


Tom: Hey
I got a surprise for you

That'll piss him off so much. The kiss emoji. He hates it for some reason.

That'll get his attention.


13 Hours Earlier

The empty beach's sounds fill my ears. Crashing waves against the wet sand. A white ripple of the sun reflecting in the ocean like it was looking in a mirror.

The sand pressing under my feet like that sound out of Minecraft of sand falling.

Stepping down the sloped walk, remembering the time me and Tyler ran down these steps together holding hands like nothing mattered.

I need to be sad to get it out of me.

Just get it over with.

The way his hair smelt like the cleanest air.

A weird way to describe it.

Crouching down to the cave where he said no one would ever find it.

A place at the corner of this section of the beach. A secret among me and him. The place where so much happened that summer.

"You know I'm only here because you wanted to come to California," He said in my ear, rubbing my skin against his before we got down onto our chests.

I get onto my chest to shuffle under the opening, shuffling my hips from side to side and pulling myself up with my arms, feeling some water drip down my arm from the stalagmite I grip firmly.

Effortlessly sliding out and around the through the crack to the cave out of a fantasy.

My heart pounds in my ears, the slow sound of water in a calm river. The small wounds letting in bits of light scattered over the patch of the soft and greenest grass.

I step up onto the rocks that stick out from the slow-flowing water around the dome of dry grass that pokes out of the water like a mountain through the clouds.

"C'mon, you can hop across this," Tyler's once said words echoing through the cave but in my head, as he reached out to me in case I tripped.

Hopping from step to step with fine speed my left foot lands on the hill gracefully.

A speck of gold glitters in the corner of my eye.

Double rings of Daisies wrap around it in a spiral, the untouched ring sitting in the middle not a speck of dirt on its delicate face.

In awe, I look around and remember what happened that night in August here.

That night...

August 12th 2017

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now