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1st August 2020


Looking on into the room, Y/N happily making out with Tom.
Tom Holland.
His smooth soft arms draped around Tom's, Y/N's small shirt lifting up revealing a whole new person.

Tom tightly holding up Y/N, wrapped around his waist, his butt against the granite kitchen table. Their groins visibly grinding against each other's.

Y/N's face lit up in a cute smile.

A smile that only I gave him.

Both their head turn to see me, Y/N's face drops yet a little lift of the lips remain. The twin walks beside me with ripped jeans, a tucked undershirt, a leather jacket, and pink lips.

I recognise them like they're complete opposites.

"Y/N, remember Tyler? He's come to visit while he stays in Germany for a runway," Micheal calmly says introducing me, his pink lips parting seeing Tom become possessive over the H/C boy.

Y/No's signature red lipstick smudge over Tom's innocent face, his clean almost million-dollar looking teeth haven't changed. His hands on his boy, at least I hope.

"Tyler..." Y/N says in that little voice he only ever used with me. So soft and gentle, like it could scare me if it was too harsh. A pretty gleam in his eyes, sparkling from the mid-day August sun.

"Hi Tyler," Tom greets looking me down checking all my assets. All of them. He lets go of Y/N, cleaning himself up, brushing off his shoulders.

"Tyler, want something? Y/N's quite the baker and cook," Micheal calmly asks going towards the kitchen, sanitising his hands that was pink and candy scented.

What the fuck happened to these two?

"Tyler, it's been a while... Hasn't it?" Y/N rhetorically questions, my eyes going over to Tom's. They're like a ocean of chocolate or a nicely evened box of cocoa powder.

They're intense. No wonder why Y/N likes him.

"Y/N, isn't this guy your ex or something?" Micheal reminds me and I flinch squinting my eyes. Turning away from the look of shock and awe Tom has.

"Yeah, Y/N is my ex," I casually say moving hair out of my face. My hair is so much longer than it was back in 2017.

What a year that was...


"When?" Tom asks looking at both the E/C twins, Y/N who's going through his phone, his hair falling onto his face. His lips sealed shut.

"I think early 2017 to late 2018. They were the schools 'Secret' gay couple. Everyone shipped them. The London boy and California boy, two different spectrums of life crashing together," Micheal explains taking a sip from his ice-cold glass of water, so cold it's frosting up.

"When did you get so poetic? A horse kick you in the head?"

I snigger and choke on my spit. He hasn't lost this side of himself. Amazing.

"Tyler, you dated Y/N?" Tom asks as Y/N ruffles up his hair, making curls drop onto his face.

"Yeah, I did,"

"What? Is Y/N's sweet Tommy confused? Aww, isn't he just adorable," Micheal teases poking Tom, squeezing his face at him as if he's talking to a baby.

"Micheal, you're such a bitch," Y/N spits protectively pilling Tom in his arms, Micheal rolling his eyes, his hand on the counter his left leg behind the right one, chugging his glass of water.

"C'mon, do you not think Y/N into this type of guy? Dark hair, blue eyes, lean built figure even back when. Soft yet defined features on the face, perfect skin, pearly white teeth. Californian. A big joystick. And sun-kissed skin." Micheal describes using a red pen to point out my features, leaving red marks on my white shirt.

"Tyler is the exact type of guy Y/N would've liked. They probably even fucked. I always wonder what they did during those two weeks in that August,"

"Oh For Fucks Sake, Micheal you were the slut. You were the biggest bitch back then, you cow," I make eye contact with Y/N, he stops realising what's happening.

"What is even going on?" Tom questions looking towards me.

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