750 21 2

11th June 2020


"Yes?" Tom continues the conversation starter. With his messy hair and glimmering eyes. This boy's out of a movie.

"I'm gonna be straightforward with you. What am I doing here? Like how did you get me here?" I plainly throw in his face. Tom wears a blue hoodie and pair of black sweatpants.

"Okay, you act a small role in this one that is just a plot hole incase they wanna add a character if they make a sequel," He answers for me checking the time. Wow, no spoilers.

"Wow, So maybe this Videogame-movie will be good if they're making characters with plot holes intentionally. WAIT WHAT I HAVE A ROLE IN THIS?" Processing that I have a role and haven't even seen the script shoots throw my head like a bullet.

Tom jumps in surprise hearing the loud shout, his eye's open wide and riffle through his phone. He gets up and starts looking around, he dashes out the room and back in with a tablet.

"Sorry. I forgot to tell you, Here's the script," Tom hesitantly passes me the tablet which I assume has the script. I take it and sigh, opening the script and jumping to my part.

"It's fine. At least I have something to do," I wrap my arm around him and give him a side hug and kiss him on the cheek.

"I once complained about my love life being boring. Now I get love all the time,"

I roll my eyes and start quickly jumping through my lines. "But how did you get here? That's a simple question," Toms starts paying attention to him I look at his soft hair.

Been a long time since I touched his hair.

"I just did the same thing that Hemsworth did with me. Gave a good word... And dragged Ethan in as well. He wouldn't shut up how you could be the youngest Oscar winner ever... To me not to the casters he had calmed down by then," I roll my eyes, Ethan acts like an over supportive older brother by now.

I mean he's only 27 and he already has directed 2 movies that grossed over 1 billion at the box office and on average they make over 700 million.

I'm so glad this bitch picked me for this role. But how is he not directing Marvel movies at least?

"I- You gave them a good word about me, even though I have almost no movies to prove it. And they believed it." I say in disbelief, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Yeah, I mean he's got some Bts to prove it,"

"Ah, behind the scenes of me acting. What a wonderful show that must've been," Tom starts laughing hysterically looking at me like I have no self-confidence.

"They fucking loved your acting, like they looked as if they're jaws just dropped, and like they looked as if your acting made them feel the character a lot," Tom really be talking in paragraphs.

His laughter calms and looks at me admiringly, awespirredly.

"I only could act that character well is cause I know the character. The character is just me in secondary school but dramatised," I glumly interject, Looking away back onto the script.

"Yoy can tell me about anything, cause I know you've changed for the better," Tom supportively says, looking at me with empathy.

"Yes, I hope I can. But I need to get to learning these," I ask prioritising learning the script.


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