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This is going to feel so incredible.

And it does.

My dick enters Tom, smoothly sliding in, silky with lube.

Tom moans into a pillow, his hands gripping the sheets tightly like how he feels around me.

Tight and warm.

"Y/N..." Tom, now the complete submissive, whimper-moans turning his head to the side.

His back flexes as he starts to move his hips into the bed, rubbing his now hard cock again, using his foreskin to please himself.

I grab his ass and squeeze tight and my boyfriend lets out and gasp of enjoyment followed by a little laugh that leaves a smile on his face.

"Want me to move?" I politely question, leaning to his ear, grinning from ear to ear, Tom grinds his butt into me in desperation.

"Yes, please,"

"Good boy, nice and polite," I ruffle up his hair then I pull it, and push further into him, "Tommy, you feel so good around me," A smile makes its way to my face feeling each sensation from my dick.

"You're so big, fuck you fill me up so good," I move out slowly and back in, groaning with the movement. Deep in the experience. I run my hand under his chest to his nipple, teasing him.

"I don't even need both my arms to lift myself up anymore," I joyously say, taking advantage of the strength in my left arm.

"Y/N, I'm so hard," He pants rubbing himself into the bed. I start to thrust faster and more rhythmic.

"Yeah, babe, keep moving your hips like that. Mmmh, it's so good," I compliment as he speeds up his attempts to please himself, pleasuring me too.

I touch up his waist with my right hand, gripping it tightly and thrust it in different directions looking for his p-spot.

"Ah! Mhh," I hear from Tom, a hot, heavy gasp of pure ecstasy.

"That's it-,"

"Yeah, Y- Y/N. There again please,"

"Only because you asked nicely, like a good boy," Tom's face paints itself with roses as, I grab onto his waist and fuck him in that direction, specifically.

"Mmmh! Fuck! Y/N! I need you to fuck me more often!" He moans and laughs out of pleasure grinding his ass into me, grabbing the pillow.

Oh fuck, he looks so good.


My face lightens up as a streak of happiness and ecstasy makes its way through me, I feel my dick swell and throb in him.

"Mhh," Moaning into his ear, "I really do need to. Your hole is perfect, so nice, tight and warm," I laugh after whispering the sweet things, deep, into his ear.

"I'm gonna go faster," I state, taking in my boyfriend's submission into further advantage.

"Go, go. Just please keep on that spot," He pleads smiling with pure joy on his face and my face mirroring it.

I speed up my thrusts pushing my hips into his ass, his moans filling my ears as I get faster and faster reaching a fast rhythm.

"Y/N~ Keep that pace p-please, I'm getting close," He begs and moans clenching his hole and butt around me.

"You're getting so tight, I 'm getting close to Tommy," I huff out as I continue to fuck into him at a constant pace.

His moans and tensions filling my senses. The way his back tenses and relaxes. The way his voice sounds under me. His hands grip the pillow till his knuckles turn white. His hair is wild, curly, and messy from fucking. Sweat on his face and back. The smile on his face.

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now