464 15 3

10th July 2020


Restlessly waking to a strange sticky sensation around my hips I look up see Y/N already awake.

Did one of us piss ourselves?

He looks over at me in confusion and guilt.

I guess it had something to do with him.

"Good Morning, Y/N," I say, putting my arms around him and pulling him in and kissing his forehead and side of his face.

His face lights up with a big bright smile, while he gets his arms around me.

"Morning, Tommy. Sorry, about the sticky thing that woke you, "He apologises.

"Don't apologise it's fine. Just what is it? Is it pee or..." I trail off at the end referring to cum.

"I think it's option two," He says glancing away from me with an innocent smile.

"You had a wet dream. Seriously tell me all about it," I say curiously, what did he dream about that made him cum?

I wanna know all the details.


I nod my head firmly like an attentive pup.

"Fine, so Tommy don't freak out but the dream started with I think me thirsting over you mowing your lawn or something and I'm married to Jake," Y/N, my boyfriend says all in one go.

I look at with confusion, "huh?" I question frowning trying to make sense of that.

"Well, I basically cheat on him with you then, you too have sex after Jake finds out and finds you hot then have sex. And I watch... Which is assume why I had a wet dream..."

My face blank as my jaw drops slightly, "I- I- have no words," I stutter out trying to think of something to say but just coming up with nothing.

"When I really think about it'd be hot," I randomly blurt out and place my hand on my mouth in shock.

And Y/N just looks at me in a bizarre and shocked gaze.

This was one hell of a way to start a morning.

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