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"What's going on Tom?"

I look at him, smiling closer to Micheal.

"You are meeting my Californian Ex. From Secondary," I explain, looking at Micheal wanting to slap him.

"Well, now. He is a model, a quite famous one too. And he asked me if he could stay with us for a while-"

"Without asking me. Or either of us."


I slap him"You bitch,

Micheal slaps me back "You cow,"

"Right. I think you two need to separate for the rest of the day," Tyler says stepping between us.

"Doing your usual? Being the hero," Micheal mocks Tyler walking away out the door.

"Can you just leave him alone..." I say out and quiet off at the end as Tyler begins to gently wrap his arms around me.

But I go to Tom and put my head in his chest and push him towards the bedroom.


They both go into their bedroom and I look around.

I'm alone.



I guess Tom really is the man out of Y/N's dreams. He doesn't want my comfort.


19th July 2017

It's the last day of school. Finally. A half-day.

I walk down the sidewalk the leaves casting shadows of the ever so perfect day. The clear, partly sunny sky and a perfect temperature.

Today is like a fantasy.

Listening to You're the Reason I Believe in Ghosts, bopping my head from side to side peppily from joy.

I even have a boyfriend. Woah. I never thought a British boy would fall for me.

I mean who couldn't.

I look up recognising the sidewalk and see the turn to the crescent to the school, and see Y/N speed walking over with a gleeful smile of pure joy, holding his bag by the straps like a nerd does in the movies.

God he's so cute.

He always does that when he's happy. Upright posture. Big smile.

He takes out his earbuds, putting them away. Rushing over crossing the road rushing to me.

Y/N rushes up to me and nuzzles his head into my chest. We come to school so early we don't need to worry about anyone.

No one other than his friends come in this early.

He wraps his arms around me looking into my arms and pecks my nose.

"You're so pretty," He compliments, fixing the tie on my uniform and brushing it off making sure it looks perfect.

He walks back and admires me, making sure my uniform looks perfect for the last day before summer.

"Perfect," He walks towards me but quickly rushes back to and pulls out his phone to take a picture of me.

"Make a pose," I pose and he takes it.

I look at it and see the time stamp.

19th July, 07:35 AM.

"C'mon let's go,"

"Wait, I want to take a pic of you," He poses and I take it and read the time stamp.

19th July, 07:36 AM.

"Let's go get this day over with," He grabs my hand and pull me literally dragging me.

He's always stronger than he looks.

"We only take like 5 minutes-"

"Let's make it four. C'mon," He says pulling me across the sidewalk at his pace.

"What are we gonna do after?" I say speed walking with him.

"Let's go to the city. Let's wonder around and go to Kensington, Chelsea and watch a movie in Leicester Square, and then fall asleep at 2 AM your place." He explains and I laugh.

"Yes, deal. I'll pat for the tickets, I'm the one with the money."

"Oh shut up,"

We turn and go through the gates of the school in less and 4 minutes.

I check my watch.

07:40 AM.

1st August 2020


Y/N lying his head on Tom's chest, whilst playing with his hair.

"I didn't tell you I had an ex. Sorry. I was just forced to be an adult so fast because of this stupid world." Y/N turns his head and listen to Tom's heartbeat.

"I just forgot about it in the rush of emotions that came across us. It was so new..." Y/N continues and looks into Tom's eyes and caresses his cheek.

"I never knew I'd land you. I love you, Tom. Don't ever forget that."

"Y/N. Darling. I love you too,"


Looking off into the distance, I sigh taking the scenic view. That is placed before me.

A big city.

Like Y/N always wanted to see. He always wondered what 2020 would be like.

I should really let the two of them be. They were happier before I came about.

They were like out of Y/N's dreams.

I robbed Y/N and Tyler of that.

Rubbing my temples, squinting my eyes shut feeling a breeze.

I keep my eyes close and put my arms out leaning my upper body over.

I forgot about this feeling.

No, no.

I'm not gonna do this to him.


"I want more moments of these. They're perfect. You know, I wanna go London, Central London, with you. To a place, you should know," Y/N explains smiling waving his hand around in the air like touching clouds.

Tom playing with Y/N's hair, "Yeah, we should. Where is a place I should know?" Tom interlacing his fingers with Y/N's kissing them gently.

"Kensington, Chelsea. Oh and Leicester Square. It's one of my favourite places to watch movies."

"Yeah, like a date."

"It is a date," Y/N sits upright and pulls Tom towards him leaning into his lips. Their lips joining and locking, Y/N's hand in Tom's curls, Tom's caressing his face.

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