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30th May 2021


Tom joins us in our clueless dancing, shirtless and full of energy. A joyous smile graces Y/N's face as he drags in on to dance with us.

"It's funny how you'd assume Y/N is a bad dancer but busts a move better than Tom," I compliment and shade Tom while grinning devilishly.

"Tyler, c'mon man-"

"I mean I may be good at dancing... But I think the two of you would be great in bed," Y/N whispers grabbing the two of us by the strings of our pants, the tree of us exceptionally close to each other.

The two of us blush and as if by magic, Y/N's lust-filled aura makes us eager for what happens next. I become ensnared by his seductive apple scent. I gently yet firmly place my lips on him responding instantaneously by locking our lips together. His hands rush and knot up in my hair messing up my usually immaculate locks.

"Ah, Fuck. How I missed this," Y/N growls as we break apart our lip lock and turns to Tom. He looks Tom up and down, licking his lips. Using his right hand he pulls him closer and tenderly but hungrily kisses up Tom's neck.

He pulls me closer with his left hand till there's little to no space between us, the air heating up, Y/N's face hot red. His sleepy yet sultry eyes tempt us to him. A playful giggle escapes his mouth.

"The two of the most attractive men in my life. Right here. Next to me. I want the two of you to make out," He says assertively, stepping back. Demanding it from us I turn to Tom who does the same with a hot and exuberant smile. Leaning towards each other...


Leaning towards each other my hands on his shoulder, gripping it. His hands on my face pulling our lips close. Both our lips clip into place. Our bodies glued together with desire. Tyler's hand trails past my ear, neck shoulders. Straight to my waist.

I slow down, breaking the kiss, looking into his sultry, lust crowded, deep blue eyes. My lips trembled for the touch of Y/N's but something made me want Tyler. His intoxicating scent, soft tough grip, lips like of a model.


"C'mon, out of breath already? You usually, kiss me till your lips turn purple," Turning my gaze to him, noting an imprint on his pants, Y/N taunts, stepping up to us with a sight-full smile. "Why stop? Waiting for me to join in?"

We both nod hungrily like dogs wagging their tails for treats.

"Y/N, I want you to touch me like I showed you that August day," Tyler pouts, his eyes softening to a submissive pleaser's.


Something overcomes me and I grab Y/N by his shirt's collar, making him trip onto me. I catch him bridal style and Tyler, mouth open like a fish, in shock and surprise as I say with sexuality dripping from my voice "Why so quick in the living room? Let's take this to the bed," Deep, rich tones escaping from me that I never knew existed.

Both, Tyler's and Y/N's demeanours change to more submissive but a Growing will to submit to Tyler weans in my chest. Like a growing pool of need.

I drop Y/N on the bed, my lips colliding with his. My hand running under his shirt, pulling it off his arms and up to his neck, where it rest. Seeing him like this added Wood to the fire burning in my chest for him.

Tyler leaned and nudge's me to the side, onto the be. Attention all on Y/N he begins scattering kisses all over his, chest. His plump lips, open, sucking each time he left a kiss. Leaving marks the way I do

Dangerous Love| Tom Holland X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now