Gada ste a natblida

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Leoni sat as still as possible with her eyes squeezed shut and her hand gripping to the locket her father had placed in her hand before leaving. It was a gold heart with the infinity sign on it. a family heirloom she recognised from her mother's dresser. Eventually Leoni felt the shuttle come crashing to a halt on solid land. She sat for a second in shock. slowly she turned and looked out the window to the green and blue of the earth. with a bright smile Leoni began to laugh. it was just like the colouring books. she'd landed in a large field covered in lavender and surrounded by a thick forest. As Leoni calmed down again she felt sick and dizzy with the sudden urge to puke. like seriously sudden, she was about to upchuck. Hastily, She leaned forward and pressed the big green button which un-strapped her from the seat and opened the doors. Leoni scrambled out of the miraculous contraption that had just saved her life and threw up all over the grass around her. she wiped her mouth with her sleeve, hand still tightly around the locket. she threw up a few more times before finally looking up. she was completely mesmerised by the blue of the sky so when she started to walk forward in the soft land she slipped on a tuff of grass and hit her head on a rock. with a loud cry out Leoni attempted to asses the damage. she wiped her head and peered at her fingers to discover black blood leaking from a wound. she started to panic but it quickly faded as she slowly lost consciousness both from the fact she had just hit the ground in a shuttle and she had cracked her skull open probably causing a concussion.

"The explosion came from the sky" Heda Krida stated

"it could be dangerous" she muttered skeptically

She marched with men dressed in full suits of leaves and twigs towards where they had seen the ship land. the commander of the 12 clans was out scoping a threat with her most trusted guardsmen and her 7 year old second

"Heda it could be becca" one of the men gulped nervously

"ok Geo no need to jump to conclusions! we are in no position to be assuming we are to be blessed miracles" Kidra shut the conversation around Becca down. in her own head she battled the same thoughts. was this the prophecy of a saviour? the one to unite all people? Becca's legacy continued after all these years?

Eventually they found an unconscious Leoni on the ground. Kidra let out a subtle sigh of disappointment. no miracle

"Prepare for attack!" Krida ordered as the men formed a circle around the girl, their spears ready. "Lexa. You will take this kill. Intruders are not welcome on our grounds. Even if they're unarmed girls. anyone can be a spy" Kidra taught her second coldly

A small girl that was only a few years older than Leoni made her way towards the bleeding intruder on the floor. She gulped down her humanity and raised her knife to kill when she suddenly spotted the trail of blood. thick, black blood

"Heda!" Lexa cried in awe, dropping her knife to the ground

"Hesitation is death young one" Krida warned impatiently, trying to mask her disappointment with infuriation

"Gada ste a natblida!" Lexa breathed as she brought her hands to cover her mouth

"Not possible!" Kidra's eyes widened. maybe this was a miracle after all?

the commander signalled for her men to lower their weapons before rushing towards Leoni. No way. surely Lexa was mistaken. this couldn't be.

"Natblida! Kom skai!" She whispered in shock. she delicately brushed some hair from the girl's face and instantly fell in love with the angelic face before her. this was Becca's gift. with a rare smile Kidra got onto one knee sad bowed her head to the still unconscious Leoni

"Gada ste kom becca " she spoke solemnly

"The girl is from becca" Geo repeated before kneeling beside the heda followed by lexa and the rest of the warriors. this was history!

"What does this mean heda?" Lexa asked, partly scared for her own chances to become the next commander. she had heard the prophecy's of Becca's gift! the person in question was told to be the leader of all.

"We take her to the flamekeepa he will know". Krida nodded surely

"Men! Carry our blessing carefully! she is the gift we have prayed for! the saviour Becca had promised us"

When Leoni awoke hours later she was clean of all blood grease and sweat. She lay in a huge bed covered in a soft fur blanket. Her hair was washed and her clothes had been changed. she looked around to see a woman and a man in front of her.

"You have risen. " the man noticed before kneeling along with the woman. Leoni looked confused she had no idea what they had said and it didn't go unnoticed by the small girl who stood in the corner of the room, observing

"Heda she does nou understand" Lexa spoke up

"Do you speak English?" The man asked a very confused Leoni as she looked around the glorious room. She had never seen anything like it. Leoni nodded slowly looking towards the man.

"You will learn our language young one don't fret" Krida said with a playful smile

"you're very important to us child" the man looked at Leoni in a way that made her nervous

"our people have a prophecy and we believe you are it. You have been gifted to us from the sky above and you hold the blood of Becca Promheda. We believe you are destined for much more than heda. We belive you will have the ability to rule us all when your time comes. so. With your permission we will crown you Haiplana Kom natblida. Queen of the night bloods." the man spoke grandly

Leoni didn't understand any of this, frankly she thought it was a dream considering she had just bumped her dead so she simply nodded. curtseying and massive beds were two things disney movies had taught her to appreciate

"And your name?" Krida tilted her head

"Leoni Kane." The girl stated confidently. She was never shy and never had been

Leoni watched as the man and woman shared a look

"that won't pass with the clans, how about a royal name? perhaps...Leok? it's more relatable, more regal, you'll want to be approved of by your people"

once again Leoni nodded. She didn't really understand and she didn't mind a nickname

so whith that definite nod Leoni Kane's life changed forever because she was no longer Leoni Kane. She was now Leok Haiplana Kom Natblida but is that who she would stay? 

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