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"Woah woah woah chill!" The boy who had just tackled Leoni said hastily, his hands raised in surrender

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"Woah woah woah chill!" The boy who had just tackled Leoni said hastily, his hands raised in surrender

"What do you want?" Leoni sneered, pressing her forearm hard against his neck to restrict his breathing

"Well I'm pretty sure you're meant to be tied up in the drop ship beside your boyfriend." The boy sassed

"Yu gonplei ste odon" Leoni snarled swiping her blade and readying to slit the boys throat

"Wait wait wait no no stop! I'll help! I'll get you out of here! I won't tell a soul" the boy squirmed trying to get away, his tune suddenly changed now that there were weapons involved

"I can get away on my own" Leoni scoffed

"No you can't! Murphy and his boys are just up there over the ridge! They'll kill you! I know how to get around! You don't!" Leoni lowered her blade and put it away.

"I can handle boys" she told him pridefully

"Not when they're like this. They've been locked up for years, being a girl anywhere near them right now is dangerous" the boy hinted at Murphy's dark intentions

"If this is a trap I will kill you." Leoni warned

"I swear to God it's not a trap" the captive shook his head eagerly

"Very well." Leoni stood up and helped the boy up as well.

"This way" the boy placed his hand on her lower back to guide her to the left hand side of the drop ship but Leoni smacked it away agressivley. She followed him in silence for a few minutes before he spoke to her.

"What's your name"

"I'm not telling you my name"

"I won't tell I swear." Leoni looked at him. She wasn't in the habit of trusting people but there was something about this boy

"well what's yours" Leoni turned the question around

"Nathan. Nathan Miller. Do you at least have a second name?" Miller pressed on

"I used to."


"Family?" Leoni cut Miller off before he could ask more questions

"My Dad. On the Ark still"

"Hmm" she made a mental note to tell Lexa they had more people in the sky.

"You?" Leoni looked at Miller. She didn't really know how to respond


"The paint on your face is cool."

"Thanks" Leoni laughed gently, the paint was barely recognisable due to blood and Octavia's attempt to clean her up

"Does it mean something?"

"That's complicated too"

"Cmon give me something!" Miller cocked his head to one side raising his eyebrows

"You're not scared of me. Why?"

"I gave up being scared. There's no one down here for me so there's no one to lose."

"You can't talk to your Dad?"

"We've got someone working on that"

"Hmm" another mental note

"Why do you think I should be scared?"

"Most people are."

"well do you give them a reason to be?"

"You really want to know? "

"I really do yeah."

"I've done bad things...which have earned me both a title and a reputation" Leoni explained briefly

"What title?" Miller asked curiously

"That's as specific as I'd like to be"


"When will i be safe not to be seen by your guards?" Leoni asked impatiently

"We have people around the whole border of the camp, you won't be safe until you're back at the cave you came from. Is that where you live?" Miller explained

"Used to, not anymore"

"And what are the scars on your back?" Miller asked as many questions as he could just hoping for one answer. Leoni tensed up. She often forgot that her top was open back and you could see the horrors of her past clear as day.

"In my culture, we get a scar for every kill we make."

"How many do you have?"

"56." Leoni said emotionless

"I know how to pick them ay" Miller laughed but Leoni didn't get it.

"A joke don't worry" he assured and Leoni smiled slightly.

"Tell me honestly, are your people a threat to us?" Leoni asked gently. Nathan thought for a second

"Only if you make us into one. If you don't fight we won't retaliate." He decided. Leoni nodded

"The cave is just up there, thank you" Leoni grabbed Nathan's arm to do the shake she would do with grounders. It made Miller smile a bit as he realised the token of friendship

"May we meet again" Miller said with a curt nod. Leoni's face fell her head instantly going to her dad. She clutched her locket instinctively which made Miller look at it.

"Where did you get that?" Miller's face dropped as well.

"A gift"

"From who?"


"It belongs to Council Member Marcus Kane's wife. She died"

"What about him? Is he alive?" Leoni blurted out without thinking

"You're gonna have to do a whole lot more talking" Miller said with a wild expression

"No no I don't have to talk to you" Leoni backed away

"How do you know Marcus Kane!" Miller demanded

"I will help you I promise, I'll be back" Leoni ran towards her horse who had been waiting for her return

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Miller yelled but got no response. He tried to run after her but it was no use. He was nothing compared to the infamous Haiplana Kim Natblida on her beloved horse

Leoni rode fiercely and didn't stop until she got to Polis, she had to see Lexa. She had to save these people. Her people. Her blood

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