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"Stand by

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"Stand by. Find out where they are and reinforce their position" The woman ordered before leaning down to Leoni
"What happened to not lying?" she sneered

"I didn't lie..l don't know what-" Leoni was in shock. Diyoza slapped her  across the face but Leoni again hardly moved, her eyes stayed fixated on the radio that had told her for the first time in 6 years she might not be alone

"Take her outside...use the collar" Diyoza said to Mcreary.

"What no she's cooperating! What she's said so far is true!" Shaw protested desperately

"Thought you'd never ask" Mcreary smirked. He untied the girl and pulled her up before shoving her out and down the stairs. Leoni went stumbling down the, due to the force of the shove. The man clipped on a collar around her neck before she could react

"what the hell is this" Leoni said trying to pull it off but found no claps or weak point

"Stop! This isn't right!" Shaw continued arguing

"Careful you might burn your fingers" Mcreary warned the girl before pushing a button and sending electricity through the collar and shocking her entire body. She jerked around on the floor due to excruciating pain, squealing through gritted teeth when it stopped Leoni fell to her back trying to catch her breath

"I didn't lie" Leoni seethed through still gritted teeth as the last of the electricity pulsed through her

"Again" Diyoza commanded placidly and Mcreary sent another electronic zap through the girls body making her jerk around in complete and utter agony, screaming at the top of her lungs 

"I don't know who it is" Leoni said through weak pants when the shocking stopped once more

"I think you've more than made your point" Shaw spat to Diyoza angrily

"Maybe. But there's no harm in one more for luck" She nodded at Mcreary who sent a longer lasting shock through Leoni as she shrieked and whimpered in pain.

"Stop! You're killing her!" Shaw pleaded. Suddenly it stopped when a rover came into sight.

"Fire on my command" Diyoza said to her people. Leoni lay on her side, shakily moving her head to look up at the rover. Shaw came to her aid lifting her to sit properly while he kneeled behind her, holding her close

"Maddie?" Leoni whispered still recovering from the pain with a twitch every few seconds while Shaw checked her over, making sure her pulse was still apparent and she wasn't too fried
"No!" She shouted out trying to lunge forward but was zapped again making her stay put on the ground and Shaw wrapped his arms around her waist

"Don't" he whispered definitively making Leoni refrain herself from making another move

"Come out with your hands high!" Diyoza demanded loudly

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