Good, now get out!

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A day passes and almost as if nothing had happened Leoni was sat in her throne, clean of war paint and weapons, sorting petty fights

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A day passes and almost as if nothing had happened Leoni was sat in her throne, clean of war paint and weapons, sorting petty fights

"-she killed the last breeding sheep we had! Jus Drein Jus Daun!" a grounder man shouted at the woman in front of him

"it was an accident!" she shouted back

"Mika are you suggesting that Flo has the same blood as sheep?" Leoni asked lazily

"no, of-of course not Leok" the man stuttered, bowing to Leoni

"then how can she repay a sheep's blood in her own?" Leoni raised her eyebrows as the man ducked in shame
"i propose that Flo replaces your breeding sheep with one of her own and you become civil once more instead of keeping up the childish bullshit and never come to me with petty arguments that waste my time again any questions?"

"no Haiplana" the two said in unison, a hint of shame around their voices. It wasn't uncommon for Leoni to tell people exactly what she thought without trying to be nice about it

"good, now get out!" she waved them away and prepared herself for the next pointless problem she would have to solve only to be met with Lexa carrying a glass of water instead which made the girl relax instantly.

"thought you could use a break?" Lexa offered as she sat down on the arm of Leoni's throne

"what i could use is for you to let me leave this building" Leoni smiled pleadingly, taking the water graciously


"i told them i would meet them back at camp! my father is going to be worried sick! they'll think i'm dead!" Leoni protested

"if that's the price i have to pay to keep you alive unlike the 300 they burned then so be it" Lexa dismissed

"Lexa please-"

"id love for you to help train the young natblida's today" Lexa changed the subject quickly

"of course" Leoni smiled sarcastically, giving up on her protesting but that didn't stop her mind wandering to Bellamy. she had to tell him she was ok and find out if he was ok! her window had been boarded up and guards under strict instructions not to let her leave Polis. she prayed Bellamy would be and wouldn't hate her too much when she got back!


Bellamy, Octavia and Murphy walked into the camp with a rescued girl in dire need of medical attention, simple seconds into arriving Bellamy was mustered into a tight hug by Clarke, he hesitated before hugging back. when she pulled away his eyes searched for the blonde haired warrior he'd come to care about, his eyes landed on Kane who had the same searching look on his face and Bellamy's stomach fell

"where is she?" Bellamy asked Clarke suddenly when she pulled away from Octavia

"she's inside getting help Murphy shot her real bad" Clarke answered assuming the boy was talking about Raven

"what? no, Leoni, where is she" he asked more alarmingly

"i've barely been back i don't know" Clarke responded suddenly worried for the girl as wether Leoni hated her or not. Bellamy stamped over to Kane

"where's Leoni?" he asked urgently

"she's not with you?" Kane asked back

"no she...she said she was coming back here alone" Bellamy sighed putting the pieces together

"and you let her?" anger built up in the man's chest

"it's a long story." Bellamy sighed knowing she must've gone back to her people. She'd left them, left him. that hurt


Lexa and Leoni sat across from each other at the a table where a large map was spread out

"i just don't understand how to get in!" Lexa shook her head frustratedly

"and even if we did there's the fog problem" Leoni agreed twirling a strand of Jair round her finger

"we could go full camouflaged?" Lexa suggested

"technology is too advanced we could quite literally be invisible and they'd still be able to detect us" Leoni dismissed tiredly

"we'll-" Lexa started but an abrupt knocking interrupted her
"we're busy"

"come in!" Leoni called over the girl in fear whatever news it was could be about the people she had sworn to protect

"Heda" the man greeted bowing
"Ai Haiplana" he bowed again

"speak" Lexa commanded aggressively not bothering to overrule the already pissed pff Leoni

"there's been a massacre at Tondc" the man explained urgently, Leoni rose from her seat

"who was responsible'" Leoni stated rather than asked half knowing what the answer to her own question was. She could t believe she'd been so careless! She brought them to that village and didn't come back! She should've known at least one of them would have a bad reaction

"skaikru" the guard answered gravely

"and what's been done" Leoni continued, fighting the urge to let her face fall into disappointment

"we have two men held captive we wanted to consult Heda before blood was shed" the man answered with a sense of pride

"this is not something to be smug about soldier" Leoni's tone turned to one of fury
"we are trying to make peace and a town was burned to the ground!" Leoni's voice became louder

"Leok stop" Lexa ordered in English hoping to touch a nerve and make the girl relax

"who stepped down and made us Becca? just because we were here first doesn't mean we own everything! we are trying to make peace you can't just kidnap people!" Leoni continued over Lexa sternly

"LEOK!" Lexa slammed on the table in fury
"you do NOT overrule your Heda" she spat

"Skaikru is my father! is me!" Leoni exasperated

"NO YOU ARE TRIKRU AND IT'S TIME YOU START ACTING LIKE IT! YOU ARE DISMISSED FROM MY PRESENCE! OUT" Lexa screamed. Leoni looked at her dead in the eye, pressing her lips together in anger. she walked over to Lexa

"if i find out that you so much as scar my father or my friends you can say goodbye to Haiplana Kom Natblida all together." the blonde girl sneered

"how would i even know what these people look like" Lexa scoffed trying to embarrass the girl

"exactly" Leoni whispered and sent a chill down Lexa's spine before marching out and to her room.

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