Which is me of course

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That night Leoni sat with Octavia staring into the fire in front of them

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That night Leoni sat with Octavia staring into the fire in front of them. They were comfortable in each others silence which was nice. They were talking without speaking. Leoni looked over to the girl as the embers illuminated her every feature. She really was beautiful. Leoni tilted her head at the girl in thought for a second

"come" Leoni stood up suddenly, offering her hand

"where?" Octavia asked as she let Leoni pull her to her feet

"riding" the blonde smiled mischievously and the expression was soon mutual. they snuck off to where Fyucha was tied up with the other horses. Leoni led him and Octavia to a clearing and then turned to the nervous girl
"you ready?"

"considering i've never even fed a horse i'm a little scared Leoni i'm not gonna lie" she chuckled nervously

"you'll be fine" Leoni waved the nonsense away and helped Octavia up onto her horse
"ok i'm just gonna lead you for a bit till you get comfortable." as they road Octavia settled into the experience and began to smile

"your horse is awesome"

"Yeah he's pretty cool, learned from the best which is me of course" she tutted sarcastically

"How long have you had him?"

"Lincoln surprised me with him on my 10th birthday just after the Skai games" Leoni smiled at the memories

"What's that?"

"Every year on my birthday- well the day i fell from the sky I don't remember when my real birthday is, we host the Skai games. A series of peaceful competitions where everyone just has fun and eats cake! No fighting all to celebrate Becca sending me here" Leoni explained proudly
"I get a lot of presents" she added with a grin

"That sounds cool...when's the next one?"

"In a month or so, we probably won't do it this year thanks to mount weather but with some luck I'll get to take you one day! It truely is awesome, we all dress up fancy and dance and eat and ugh it's so cool" Leoni marvelled

"I've only ever been to one party"

"Did you love it?" Leoni asked inquisitively having a deep love for parties herself

"I got caught." Octavia admitted slowly
"Second child"

"Octavia I'm so sorry" Leoni sympathised

"It's ok, besides if I hadn't been locked up I never would have come here!" She smiled softly gesturing to the land around them
"so what's the deal with you and my brother?" Octavia asked suddenly catching Leoni off guard

"i don't know...what's the deal with you and Lincoln?"

"i don't know..."

"You want to bounce up and down on the saddle and pull the reigns in the direction you want him to move" Leoni instructed carefully and Octavia carried out the task with ease
" i find if that if a girl can't talk about anything other than boys they're probably not someone to be associated with. I'd much rather talk about mount weather" Leoni sighed as she led Fyucha

"Did you know they were taking your people?"

"Yep! Kidra got taken once but escaped while they were taking her to the mountain we've never been able to turn reapers back until you got here so we had no idea how to get in" Leoni winced at the thought of her commander but thankfully Octavia didn't dwell on the name
"Dig your heels into his side to make him go faster"

"How long?"

"As long as any of us can remember! Me and Lexa argue about it a lot"

"Well this time you have us, do you think the alliance will stick?"

"The entire Coalition is made up of alliances once they're reminded of that there will be no problems" Leoni assured

"You know I've dreamed every day of my life about what earth would be like, I never in a million years thought it would lead me to you" Octavia gazed up to the sky in awe

"And was it worth it?"

"Was what worth it?"

"The years spent alone?" Octavia thought for a second before answering. Leoni dropped Fyucha's reigns and Octavia was now riding alone but she didn't realise it

"Yes" she nodded
"I would have died other wise I guess" she laughed lightly

"I wouldn't jinx it" Leoni laughed

"So when do I get war paint?" Octavia asked excitedly

"As soon as I turn you into a warrior which won't be long you're already half way there!" Octavia looked at Leoni confused. The blonde held up her free hands and Octavia's expression turned to one of fear as she realised she was riding alone

"holy shit!" She breathed

"Now it will take a while to get used to it and ride as confident as me but you're doing great" Leoni winked

"If this is half way what's the other half?"

"Brute strength and skill" Leoni smirked
"Watch" she commanded, drawing Kidra's dagger from her boot and throwing it to a far away tree where the blade lodged in
"Skill" Leoni said then reached up and pulled Octavia off her horse and rolled her over to pin her on the ground, she fought back but Leoni was strong
"Brute strength" she smiled cunningly as she stood up and helped Octavia

"Teach me your ways" Octavia laughed sarcastically

"Soon" Leoni smiled at the girl. She saw herlsef in the Blake's eyes, by the way she just handled that attack she had the fight and if there was one thing Octavia could never be it's a kiss ass.

The two girls returned to the camp just as everyone was retiring to their bed rolls. Leoni went to check in with Lexa. she walked into the tent to see Lexa looking over a map. Leoni walked over to her friend and traced a finger over the colours lines that the two of them had drawn on the map over the years.

"we're gonna do it this time Lex " Leoni said gently
"we're gonna do what Kidra couldn't"

"i wish she was here to see it" Lexa sighed shakily

"we've got this!" Leoni nodded pulling Lexa into a side hug
"for Heda!" Leoni rubbed Lexa's shoulder as tears built in the commanders eyes which was an extremely rare occurrence

"for Heda" Lexa cleared her throat and went to lay down
"you want to stay with me tonight?" Lexa asked and Leoni could tell she was asking her to stay because she didn't want to be alone rather than asking if Leoni wanted to stay

"yeah sure" Leoni nodded taking off her blade holster and laying it down on the floor then someone clearing their throat could be heard from just outside the tent

"Leok can we talk...real quick?" Bellamy asked. Leoni gestured to Lexa she'd be right back and the commander replied with a smirk. the blonde rolled her eyes and left to talk to the boy she was falling for

The next chapter breaks my heart you guys aren't even ready!
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