All of me for all of us

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Darkness came quickly that day which was a shame for the 700 warriors who had just spent 6 years in nothing but the dark and for Leoni who had just been given back her light

"We should set up camp" Octavia advised and Leoni agreed. She made a hand signal letting everyone know they were setting up camp. even after 6 years they still knew her commands. Logs were set up and fires were made as everyone settled in for the night. Leoni stayed right by Octavia and Luna. If Bellamy wanted to talk to her he could come find her. They all took off their packs and started to unravel the rations

"We pray before we eat" Gaia said
"Heda would you do the honours?" She asked and Leoni nodded. Octavia had briefed her on the process during the march. She held out her hands and closed her eyes followed by the people around her

"We honour those who died so we might live. All of me for all of us" Leoni said

"All of me for all of us" everyone repeated and they started to eat. Leoni took small bites and long chews of the substance. She wasn't sure what it was but it was food however small it might be

"So Heda, tell us about the valley!" Cooper said trying to mask her excitement.

"Well" Leoni started as everyone settled in to listen to her stories. She grabbed Luna's hand just to have it in her grasp.
"I must admit we didn't live there. We found it 50 days after Praimfaya and with Shallow Valley we found our daughter Maddie. We share the same blood so she will be commander after I pass."

"I won't take the flame" Luna filled in the gal

"We decided to gift the village to our fellow survivors who managed to survive thanks to the collapsing of the palace in Polis. Since then we've built civilisation for when we could bring you all there so while Trimanikru lived in New-Polis their leaders lived in Becca's house. About 200 miles south of Polis. We spend most of our time in the valley though and let me tell you ai kru it is beautiful! Greens, blues and purples of every kind! We will be happy there." Leoni told them all and excited murmurs broke out

"Leok downplays it! Shallow Valley is truly magnificent" Luna emphasised

"Maddie, is she a good fighter?" Indra asked

"Trained by me almost every day for the past 6 years but I'll pass her onto Gaia once we settle. I already have my second" Leoni joked nudging shoulders with Octavia who laughed lightly
"I'd rather she be trained by her own mentor anyway, makes more sense seeing as I'm supposed to be her mother" Leoni nodded

"Is there running water in the valley?" One woman asked

"A river and a lake" Luna smiled and the woman hit her partner in excitement

"All of this is on the other side of a mere war" Octavia told them.
"It's ours we just have to take it" everyone nodded in understanding, all of them just happy to be alive

"Now ai gonas get some sleep" Leoni said and the crowd evaporated leaving Octavia, Luna, Leoni and Indra.

"You know there's a boy over there who loves you both" Indra nodded to Bellamy

"But what is love without respect" Leoni said darkly as she took a sip of water and passed it to Octavia

"He doesn't respect our ways or what we're doing. When he learns to do that we'll let him love us" Octavia agreed then passed the water to Indra.

"He's very...closed minded isn't he" Luna mused


Leoni looked to Indra, Luna and Octavia with a questioning face and by their matching ones Leoni knew she hadn't misheard

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