I want her dead

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Leoni Kane rode to Tondc alone much to everyone's protestations

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Leoni Kane rode to Tondc alone much to everyone's protestations. Lexa had sent orders for her not to come but Leoni didn't feel like spending anymore 'bonding time' with her father so there she was trotting through the woods ready for the inevitable argument with Lexa she had coming.


"did you get all that?" Bellamy asked Clarke after hearing Cage talk about how he was going to drop missiles on Tondc.

"yeah" Clarke breathed, thoughts of what she was going to do swimming through her head

"Octavia and Leoni, are they there?" Bellamy asked worriedly

"no no they didn't go to Tondc in the end...they're em-training in the woods" Clarke lied quickly exchanging a worried look with Raven.


arriving in Tondc she was met with dozens of grounders welcoming her with awe. when she hopped off of her horse a few young grounder boys took him away to be repainted and groomed. Leoni then kneeled down to greet the numerous children around her with a wide smile. Leoni had always made it her number one priority to be the peoples princess. the kids loved her! they called her nomon Leo, meaning mother Leo

"hello my lovelies" she greeted hugging as many as she could. one boy latched his arms around her neck while a girl did the same around her waist. toddlers gripped her hands while a few girls had begun playing with her long flowing hair, pleating it and twisting it round their fingers

"Haiplana Leok!"
"you look so beautiful!"
"nomon! we missed you!"
"Ai Haiplana!"
"did you bring presents Leok?"
they greeted over each other

"yes yes i brought presents" Leoni laughed lightly smiling to each and every one of them before pulling round a brown satchel
"i made you all something" she told the children wide eyed in excitement and joy. she handed out a whole bunch of small knives she'd made form metal she'd found in the Ark. each of the daggers had different coloured handles all of them engraved with a child's name
"Jammie?" she handed a red one to the boy
"em Cleo doll where are you?" she handed one to every one the children
"have you seen Gorma?- oh there she is" pink, green, red, blue, orange (ugh she hated the colour orange) she had them all!
"Hant baby come get yours!" she loved these kids as if they where her own
"Jordan here's yours- oh Jordan did your mum get the remedies i sent over?"

"yes nomon she says thank you!" Jordan grinned

"perfect!" Leoni continued through the chaos making sure every one of her kids were safe and well
"Dono! what happened to your face?" she asked carefully running a thumb over the child's cut cheek

"made my first kill but the panther fought back" the kid grinned cheekily earning a proud wink from his Haiplana

"that's my boy!- Via princess you have yours yet?" as the chaos calmed down Leoni sat more comfortable as kids climbed on her lap burying into her shoulder
"have we all been continuing with combat while i've been away?" she asked and was answered by an abundance of yes's
"good good good! now! who's ready for a story?" she grinned mischievously
"ok so, while nomon was off making peace with our friends from the sky-"

"Leok." Indra interrupted. all of the children looked to the woman in displeasure

"Indra!" Leoni's smile faded slowly, realising her fun with her children was now over

"i believe you have some people to greet" she informed with a sneer. Indra had never been a fan of the fondness Leoni felt for her people, especially the children!

"oh come on Indra let me enjoy eating up all these little monsters for being so cheeky" Leoni teased tickling the kids making them squeal and laugh in excitement

"Leok. you have a second i suggest you teach her." Indra growled making the children calm down again

"are you kidding me right now? " Leoni sighed in frustration

"no." Indra snapped. Leoni groaned in annoyance

"right my babies, nomon Leo has to run. be warriors" she kissed them all goodbye one by one before following Indra to Octavia her happiness fading as she returned to the warrior she had to be
"Octavia" Leoni nodded as she came close to the girl

"Leok" Octavia smirked having watched the whole interaction with the kids

"it's important to remember what we do it for" Leoni felt a small smile creep up on her face as she read Octavia like a book

"hey there's Clarke" Octavia gestured to the oncoming blonde. Leoni took a deep breath preparing to communicate

"hey! have you guys seen Lexa?"
Clarke asked barely looking at the girls

"nice to see you too" Leoni rolled her eyes causing the children who were watching her every move to giggle, earning a smirk from their beloved Haiplana

"em i think she's inside" Octavia pointed to the building

"thanks" Clarke went to find Lexa but before she could leave Leoni grabbed her hand

"what's going on?" she asked concerned by Clarke's shiftiness


"is it Bellamy? did you talk to him?" Leoni continued. Clarke noticed her worry and it made her stiffen even more

"i spoke to him he...i'll fill you in after i talk to Lexa"

"well i'll just come with you then" Leoni let go of Clarke's arm and went to follow her in

"no!" Clarke stopped suddenly pushing Leoni back slightly
"i'll come back ok just em...stay here for now!" Clarke left and then Octavia did too leaving a confused Leoni standing with Indra.

"did she just push me" Leoni screwed up her face in offence

"she did" Indra sneered glaring towards where Clarke had disappeared to

"i want her dead" Leoni said under her breath. she slid through the crowd when Indra wasn't watching and went to find some people in need.
"Promo my love" Leoni called walking over to the grounder man who stopped what he was doing and bowed to her. he was the children's teacher, taught them to hunt and fight

"Ai Haiplana" he greeted

"talk to me about the kids" Leoni started worriedly

"what would you like to know?"

"what do you do in the way of..." Leoni tried to find the words to explain what she was thinking
"mental strength?"

"mental strength! we talk about when it's right to kill and making good judgments a lot" he explained

"so no math or logical thinking?" she confirmed

"what is math?" Promo asked confused

"it may be a skaikru thing but i think it could be the future!" Leoni nodded as she became sure of herself
"i'd like to set up a programme! the kids do an hours or so learning these skills i think it could be-" then BOOM. missiles hit the village sending Leoni down into a cave of rocks, she screamed as she fell and then screamed louder when a boulder fell on top of her. she didn't have time to understand what had happened before another rock hit her head and she fell unconscious. there she was. trapped with none other than her father. What could happen here?

I love Leoni's relationship with her people
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