Thank you for bringing me home

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Death seemed to have finally caught up to Leoni Kane...but lucky for her she had a husband and a sister who refused to live without her. Managing to rapidly strap the girl down onto a makeshift stretcher, both Clarke and Bellamy bounded through the bridge towards the rest of their friends. They seemed to be in the second dawn bunker but no one paid attention to that

"Clarke what happened!" Maddie called out, falling beside her mother, her heart sinking like a rock. This couldn't be happening again

"I need help we have to soak up as much of the bleeding as possible, Bellamy start chest compressions keep her heart beating, the rest of you i need jackets, gloves, scarfs, whatever you have!" Clarke ordered and everyone complied without hesitation

"What the hell did you do!" Murphy yelled at Bellamy

"It wasn't him it was me" Clarke told him tearfully and Maddie gasped in pure shock
"Bellamy was trying to get into her journal I had to stop him but when I tried to she- damn it she jumped in front of him and took the bullet" Clarke explained hastily. Maddie came to sit behind her mum's head and brushed the hair from her pale, pale face

"She's loosing too much blood Clarke" Jackson worried as he checked the commander over

"You don't think I know that!" Clarke snapped

"Well I believe this is my queue to leave" The Shepard spoke up
"You're on earth and...well I don't belong here and it seems mr chest compressions Bellamy over there has forgotten the cause" Bill shrugged. He held up a small chip

"Nano tracking programme" Shaw realised. Bill smirked before placing it on his tongue

"It's a shame you would've made a fantastic disciple Mr Blake. What is it you people say? May we meet again." He smirked before disappearing.

"Fuck!" Bellamy hissed and kept pressing on Leoni's heart

"Quick, we can get her to the med bay" Gaia's voice echoed from the balcony

"Gaia? how is this possible?" Indra asked in surprised relief

"We're back on earth. You see when you don't put a code into the stone the bridge takes you to the place of your birth. Point is we have supplies along with Echo, Octavia and everyone else, quick let's get her into the OR and I'll gather everyone" Gaia told them all quickly. Shaw and Murphy picked up the stretcher and rushed Leoni into surgery where Jackson got to work straight away. Bellamy stood for a second, staring down at his shaking blood soaked hands.
Her blood

"You'll need my blood!" Maddie rolled up her sleeve, ready for the needle, looking at her frail mother with glossed over eyes

"No Maddie your mother would nothing short of kill us if she found out we had taken blood from you" Gaia denied

"To save her you need authentic nightblood. You see anyone else with that around here? Save my Mum! i am begging you" Maddie told them sternly with a shaking voice
"I lost my Nomon I can't loose her too" she pleaded desperately and without any further hesitation Jackson obliged, connecting Maddie with Leoni and beginning to save the commander's life.


12 hours the surgery took. 12 hours and Leoni was finally stable. She barely made it, she had even died for a minute! But she had pulled through and now she was coming to

"Here we go!" Jordan sat up in his chair when he felt Leoni start to grip his hand back lightly. The boy had been waiting anxiously with the rest of the group

"Everyone be calm" Octavia ordered as she came to sit on a chair near her best friend's head. The blonde screwed up her face before opening her eyes slowly. Everyone was crowded round in anticipation

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