Lee? Who the hell is Lee?

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"what are you doing!" Finn protested as Leoni stood up from her crouched position and glanced  over to where Bellamy was cutting Murphy loose

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"what are you doing!" Finn protested as Leoni stood up from her crouched position and glanced over to where Bellamy was cutting Murphy loose

"he knows where the grounder camp is that might be where our friends are being kept" Bellamy justified his actions as Murphy stood up sheepishly

"Leoni knows where the camp is" Finn bounced back

"Leoni has been through enough, she also just met her father again after a decade and a half" Bellamy sneered

"Leoni is a real life person in this room who not only can talk for herself but does indeed know where the village your friend was held captive in is plus she can get in, find out what's going on all on her way back to Polis where she belongs without questioning" Leoni tilted her head as the three boys looked at her

"i like her" Murphy shook a finger at the girl
"i like her a lot" the boy smirked

"ok then let's go...and the weasel comes, need some humour around" Leoni finished as she gestured for everyone to leave

they snuck round the side where they met Abby and a guard Leoni didn't recognise, they armed the teenagers except from Leoni who still refused to touch a gun and Murphy who wasn't trusted with a gun although Leoni had a feeling that her resistance against the weapon wouldn't last much longer.

"your father will kill me if he finds out i let you out of bed never mind out the camp" Abby said to Leoni quietly

"i'll tell Clarke you love her" Leoni glared at the woman

"Lee!" Bellamy sighed disappointedly

"It's ok I deserved it" Abby shook her head smiling painfully

"Lee? Who the hell is Lee?" Leoni asked disgusted

"Can we please just go? We're loosing daylight!" An agitated Finn snapped

"Well I don't know will you bringing Leoni or Lee?" Leoni kept up the disgusted face

"Leoni!" Bellamy attempted to quieten her

"Ok mr and mrs Blake nursing home bus is leaving let's move" Murphy rolled his eyes

"I just wanna know where the Lee came from" Leoni raised her arms in a joking surrender

"It's a pet name everyone has one! Leoni is just kinda long!" Bellamy argued deciding to meet the girls level of immaturity

"Guys!" Abby tried to intervene

"Shut it Griffin!" Leoni pointed at her provocatively

"Stop making a big deal! If you have such a problem with it then jeez I won't call you that again!" Bellamy raised his voice slightly in frustration and everyone fell silent

"No I quite like it actually I've never had a nickname before" Leoni nodded making Murphy smirk. The 4 teenagers turned to look at Abby and the guard for their dismissal at last

"Find our children and bring them home" the guard nodded at them all. Leoni felt bad for the man knowing what it was like not to know how the people you love were

"who's your child?" Leoni asked softly as the other walked on

"Nathan? Nathan Miller" Leoni faltered. she hasn't seen anyone since they'd arrived at the camp so she didn't know Miller was missing

"yeah i know him, he's a good kid! strong, and he loves you a lot sir." Leoni nodded

"thank you" the man whispered

"i'll bring him back safe" Leoni held out her arm for the man to grab
"you have my word" she shook his arm and left.

After a few hours of walking and arguing Murphy had been untied and allowed to walk free but without a gun much ti his disappointment. Leoni lead the party, Murphy close behind her followed by Finn, Monroe, Sterling and then Bellamy at the back.

"So you're like royal right?" Murphy asked Leoni suddenly

"Yes" Leoni answered bluntly, frankly not wanting to upset Bellamy who had expressed his deep hatred for the boy

"So what you say goes right?" Murphy questioned but Leoni caught on to the angle

"No I'm not going to make you a prince and immune to any hatred's just so you can save your own sorry ass" Leoni sighed

"How did-"

"I've had this conversation about 50 times and for the record," Leoni stopped to look at the boy
"Everyone of those 50 are now dead so don't push your luck" she narrowed her eyes before turning back around and walking again

"What about the scars?" Murphy continued

"Each one represents a kill I've made" she stated as if it was obvious

"What like to eat?" Murphy tried to clarify deflated

"Unless your proposing I eat the traitors to my people every time I slit their throats, no not to eat" Leoni smirked to herself and Murphy didn't say much after that
"Here's the camp!" The girl announced quietly as the group huddled behind tree's, Bellamy now at her side. He pulled up his gun and looked through the scope

"hey, look at this" he beckoned Finn.

"that man's wearing Clarke's watch!" Finn observed

"and we both know she wouldn't give that up without a fight" Bellamy's tone turned grave

"they have them!" Finn went to stand up but Leoni grabbed him back down

"no. let me go find out. if i'm not back in 10 minutes...you'll have to come up with your own plan and i'll meet you back at camp Jaha" Leoni tried to stay strong but she was slightly concerned this village actually had the sky kids

"it's dangerous-" Bellamy started

"don't give me that speech! i am quite literally their queen I won't be touched let alone harmed" Leoni rolled her eyes sarcastically

"be safe" he nodded, a smirk growing on his face

"what one of the men has the watch?" she turned to the rest of the kids

"here look" Finn gestured to the gun


"you don't have to touch the gun just look through the scope" Bellamy intervened

"fine" Leoni looked towards the gun cautiously, she leaned forward, Bellamy's hand on her waist guiding her carefully to look through the scope

"you see?" Finn asked from behind the two

"silver watch?" Leoni asked, desperately trying to shake off the fluttery feeling creeping up her spine

"that's it" Finn confirmed

"ok" Leoni stood up taking a deep breath
"i can't promise i'll be back but...make good choices" she nodded towards Bellamy, sent a quick glance to the rest of the teenagers before walking into the village taking a deep breath as she did so

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