Calm down Indiana Jones

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Arkadia. they went from The Ark to Camp Jaha to Arkadia. Sky people am i right! having said that Leoni had become quite comfortable around these people over the past weeks, months, who knows! for instance she was currently sat playing beer pong (without the beer Jasper had drank it all) with her good friend Monty

"no no no you're cheating!" Leoni laughed as she protested Monty's third win

"nah you're just crap when there's no alcohol involved" Monty chuckled cheekily as he threw another ball landing it perfectly

"no! i'm done" Leoni threw her hands up in surrender before falling to sit beside the passed out Jasper

"you" Jasper muttered as he lifted his head briefly before dropping it on Leoni's lap. she sent a look to Monty who just shrugged in sympathy

"we need to get him out of this"

"WAIT!" Jasper shouted suddenly sitting straight up a wild expression on his face but soon fell back into Leoni's lap again

"like now!" Leoni continued sadly running her fingers through his hair
"and we're gonna help you baby" she whispered leaning down and kissing the boys forehead. just then Bellamy came in

"Hey! you guys want to do a mapping run?" he asks. he tried not to but when he laid eyes on Leoni, his girl, Lee, Haiplana kom natblida and did i mention his girl? he couldn't help but smile

"can i drive?" Leoni grinned hopefully

"can you shoot a gun?" Bellamy asked cocking an eyebrow making Leoni sigh in annoyance. Marcus had taught his daughter to drive and she'd picked it up pretty quickly but it didn't matter because Bellamy had made her promise she wouldn't drive until she'd completed 'gun training'

"no" she grumbled sliding out from under Jasper and grabbing her jacket. she still wore her backless top and leather leggings but a baggy, navy blue jacket bad been gifted to her by Raven.

"and why's that?" Bellamy asked as if he didn't already know

"because i skipped out on a lesson to go riding" Leoni mumbled walking closer to Bellamy

"exactly! no guns-"

"no runs i got it" Leoni sighed. she raised her hands fixing up Bellamy's jacket
"your t-shirt has a hole in it by the way" she fake pouted

"you're lucky i love you Lee" Bellamy smirked before looking over to Monty who was getting Jasper up
"no! we can't bring him" Bellamy denied

"come on Bellamy he needs this after Maya" Monty pleaded. Leoni looked up at Bellamy pleadingly and the boy caved in without much more persuasion

"fine" Bellamy grumbled
"we're leaving in 5 meet us at the rover"  Bellamy told the boy before walking out towards the garage with Leoni by his side
"i got you something" Bellamy started carefully

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