hold hands like a cult

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Leoni stood proud next to Indra as they led their warriors to camp jaha, an event Leoni wasn't sure would ever take place!

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Leoni stood proud next to Indra as they led their warriors to camp jaha, an event Leoni wasn't sure would ever take place!

"i'm not sure this is a good idea" Indra muttered. Leoni glanced at her mentor. She took in her stiffness and how on guard the woman was

"it has to be or we'll never get our people back" Leoni replied lowly

"but you see Leok your father is in there you're almost guaranteed safety!"

"my father isn't too happy with me just now" Leoni laughed at the irony

"because you are one of us"

"precisely, and don't doubt that i'll always be one of you because you are one of me! they might be my blood but you and the warriors that have followed us today no questions asked, who give their respect and lives for our way of life, these are my people and if i see sky people as a threat to that so help me Becca they will never see the light of day again"

"that means a lot Leok" Indra nodded in thanks

"besides what do they have? guns? only for so long! the combat we have is forever" Leoni winked as they slowed when the gates came into sight

"my friends!" Kane greeted with a smile Leoni found unnecessary. i mean what was he a yoga instructor?

"Kane" Indra greeted gruffly

"please, leave your weapons here and come in." Kane ordered a certain finality to his voice

"Dad-" Leoni tried to argue but Kane could read his daughter like a book

"yes Leoni it is necessary"


"no one is going to attack you" Kane sighed and Leoni huffed before reluctantly laying down her different blades. the rest of the warriors followed her actions. Leoni went to walk into the camp but Kane stopped her
"the dagger Leoni" he gave her that parenty look she'd only ever received from Kidra

"i don't know what you're talking about" Leoni lied and Indra stood at her side

"the dagger in your boot i saw you show it to Raven at Tondc leave it here"

"do you know who you're talking to" Indra growled pushing Leoni back protectively

"i'm talking to my daughter" Kane taught back
"Leoni lay down the dagger!" Leoni moved her foot to feel Kidra's dagger. she had never been without it since the day Kidra had given it to her

"you are talking to our Haiplana! if you disrespect her this whole truce is over" Indra snapped

"we are not armed and you shouldn't be either" Kane tried to reason

"we weren't the ones begging for an alliance" another grounder spoke up now at Leoni's other side

"ok ok ok" Leoni spoke up raising her hands for everyone to calm down
"Dad can you come here a second" Leoni pulled her father to the side and spoke to him quietly
"the dagger is em...real important to me! i literally haven't been without it since i was 13" Leoni explained to her father quietly

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