I am the commander

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"hello commander" the woman greeted "happy you made it" she nodded slightly

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"hello commander" the woman greeted
"happy you made it" she nodded slightly. Leoni's jaw dropped and her eyes widened

"holy shit you're Becca!" Leoni said in disbelief

"i am" Becca nodded again almost embarrassed

"oh my god! i'm a big fan you're kinda the reason i'm alive!" Leoni laughed in shock

"thank you" Becca smiled with gratitude 
"now you must focus commander. Alie's code has nearly updated we don't have much time. the kill switch is here" Becca moved to the side revealing it

"why haven't you pulled it?" Leoni asked skeptically as she stepped closer. She didn't know this woman! Until about 10 days ago she thought Becca was a god not a scientist!

"because my mind isn't in control here. only when a mind is merged with Alie 2 can it be in control and yours is that mind. only you can pull the switch" Becca explained

"ok cool" Leoni breathed shakily and went to pull the switch but she was stopped by a second voice

"if you pull the switch everyone will die." Alie said and Leoni turned around to face the woman
"come and see" Alie called on the girl to look out of a window into space. It was bigger than she remembered
"nuclear power plants are melting down. in less than 6 months 96% of the earth will be uninhabitable. the city of light is the only way" Alie explained calmly in a way that made you want to fall asleep

"she's stalling" Becca realised walking back to the switch

"Yes but is she lying?" Leoni asked desperately as she watched the earth go from a fiery red to a dull, lifeless grey in almost an instant

"no. i'm sorry" Becca said guiltily

"but there's another way right?" Leoni asked but feared the answer

"of course!"
"no" Becca and Alie said at the same time

"in the city of lights you won't have to make decisions like this. we can lead together you and i" Alie told Leoni
"Imagine how strong we could be! A grounder and an AI? Combining our forces? Unstoppable" Ali's attempted to entice the haiplana

"Don't listen to her, she doesn't understand what it means to kill" Becca fought back. Leoni was stood staring at the kill switch with Becca and Alie either side of her , very much an angel devil situation she just hadn't worked out who was who yet

"what if you returned peoples brains? gave them a free choice?" Leoni suggested to Alie

"she doesn't know how. her core programme is to make life better" Becca shook her head

"Grace, Axon, Kidra, Lexa, Lincoln and now Via" Alie listed
"i can take away that pain" Alie promised

"She doesn't understand how to feel! And Alie I am so sorry for never teaching you that" Becca said to her programme
"I'm sorry for not teaching you what having a conscience means" Becca apologised emotionally

"Ok can we stick to my problems right now please? Very much still in crisis mode here" Leoni reminded frantically

"The city of light is perfection. Everyone will live on forever, you can have it all Leoni" Alie promised the girl

"Leoni i hate to rush you but we have 10 seconds" Becca hurried.
"You know what the right decision is here" Leoni thought for a second before placing her hand back on the switch

"my pain makes me who i am. as commander i will save my people. all of them there is always another way!" Leoni finished before pulling the switch and it all went black. with a gasp Leoni woke up again in Lexa's throne and watched as everyone hugged and kissed each other. Bellamy and Clarke helped Leoni stand and pulled her into a big hug as she collapsed of tiredness in their arms. making them both fall to their knees to hold her

"hey hey what's wrong?" Bellamy asked confused

"we're all gonna die" Leoni whispered
"Alie told me. we have six months" Leoni sighed nestling her head into the crook of Bellamy's neck and grabbing Clarke's hand

"how?" Clarke asked horrified

"the nuclear power plants are melting. we're all gonna die of radiation. black rain will come first." Leoni repeated what Alie had told her still catching her breath

"i-" Clarke went to say something but Abby called on her
"i'll be back" Clarke squeezed Leoni's hand and left

"Leoni-" Bellamy started

"don't say anything. just..." Leoni pulled away and looked at him. like really looked at him. she traced his cuts delicately. even hurt all he cared about was her
"just kiss me" Leoni shook her head and pulled him to her pressing his lips to hers and ran her fingers through his hair. when she pulled away Bellamy placed a hand on the back of Leoni's neck and grabbed her arm pulling the girl up

"you're ok though yes?" Bellamy asked checking her over

"yeah but you're not" Leoni noticed the bruises forming on his neck. she traced them lightly, a frown forming on her face

"i'm ok i promise we can clean up the blood later but for now we remove the flame right?" Bellamy asked attentively

"i'm keeping it. i met Lexa and Kidra in the city of light. They want me to be commander." Leoni nodded at Bellamy and began to smile while holding his head
"and it's gonna be ok" Leoni sighed tiredly, biting her lip
"i know that now!" the blonde thumbed Bellamy's cheek and looked at him lovingly
"i'm ok! i feel...ok"

"are you sure?" he asked

"i have never been more sure of anything in my entire life and I'm 19 that's a long time!"

"ok then" Bellamy agreed
"but remember-" he pointed at her and Leoni grabbed his finger lowering it again

"no dying. i got it" Leoni smiled peacefully

"Leoni!" Marcus called out running towards her and Bellamy stepped out the way as Kane wrapped his daughter in a hug

"Daddy" Leoni laughed quietly and looked over his shoulder to see Octavia eyeing Pike up. their eyes found each other briefly the blonde sent a nod to Octavia telling her to finish it which she did with ease and Pike fell to floor to die. Leoni closed her eyes and hugged her father

"i am so sorry-"

"you've done nothing" Leoni shook her head into his shoulder
"your my father. that's a get out of jail free card forever" Leoni laughed gently as though she didn't just see someone die

"thank you" Kane whispered through a breaking voice

"i would've saved you sooner it's just that the plan changed so many times and i didn't realise how bad Alie would get and-"

"If everything always went to plan we wouldn't have jobs. I wouldn't be a father for a start but I also wouldn't have a daughter I am so incredibly proud of" Kane assured but then Leoni knew there was something she had to do. she pushed away from her Dad and walked out onto the balcony. she picked up the conclave horn and blew it loudly making all the people below turn to look at her

"ONTARI IS GONE. A NEW HOST WAS PRESENTED. I AM LEOK AND I AM THE COMMANDER" Leoni said and instantly everyone dropped to a kneel. bowing their heads towards her. sky people and grounders alike in respect for the new commander. Leoni was going to be the one that brought the people together. Leoni then recited the trigedaslang lineage letting the grounders know she really did have the flame the crowd burst into applause, all of them temporarily forgetting their pain. Leoni Kane the Commander who had 6 months to save her people. What could possibly go wrong?

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