He was my husband

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"ECHO NO!" Clarke yelled as they hurried through the last door where Echo was about to drop the bioweapon into the humidifier

"i told you to get them out of here!" Echo snapped at Hope

"You had one job" Indie hissed furiously

"there was no way in hell we were leaving without you" Octavia stepped forward, eyes darting from her love to her friend
"i get it. they took your brother from the ring and they took my brother from under the floor but there are good people here!" she tried to get through to the spy
"And Indie. They hurt your commander they hurt my best friend but not all of them played a part"

"give me a break! good people? what you mean Levitt? he stole your memories and gave them to the enemy! all of this happened because of him! i want blood and you do too Heda. this is how we were raised this is what's right!" Echo protested

"They deserve to die" Indie agreed and he handed Echo a syringe like thing

"please Echo, Indie this isn't you!" Clarke pleaded but was quickly shoved out the way by Leoni.

"yes it is" she looked both of them dead in the eye. Both were utterly broken
"you're right Echo it is how we were raised. All three of us and honestly yeah it is what's fair it's what they deserve and trust me no one wants blood more than me but you know what? we were also raised to get justice for the people we cared for. Bellamy would hate this and you damn well know it" Leoni knew how to get through to her people even if she didn't stand by the words coming from her mouth

"justice-we are getting-i am getting justice" Indie's voice wavered. Whatever they'd put him through here had changed him

"not Bellamy's justice this isn't what he would've wanted-"


"HE WAS MY HUSBAND!" Leoni yelled back, stepping further towards the girl
"HE WAS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND-" her grief cut her voice
"and he's gone. and that kills me like nothing else ever has and- and i want- Echo i want them to suffer but i want you to be safe both of you to be safe. he wanted you to be safe." Leoni tried to keep herself together

"you can't honestly look me in the eye and say he wouldn't be standing right where i am if it was you that had been killed Heda" Indie's voice was chillingly quiet

"Sure i wasn't on the ark but he came back to me a changed man. you know that" Leoni whimpered to Echo who was ready to use the gem9
"because you came back changed too. you're not Roan's lap dog anymore you're my friend! mine! And Indie you went into that bunker a fighter and you came out a warrior. My warrior" Leoni's voice broke

"i'm not who you want me to be Heda. i'm sorry" Echo went to drop the gem9 into the humidifier

"i won't leave" Leoni spluttered making Echo and Indie stop and turn back to the blonde with trembling lips
"you do that you will kill me, your commander. your Heda"

"Leok no!" Indie whined

"you will kill me along with the children that live here...because i'm a mum now and i can't...fuck it- I got pregnant and now I have an 11 month old baby living with the doctor that delivered her, that's right Octavia's not the only one with a friend on the inside. Don't do it because I will die with my daughter" she shrugged helplessly. Echo cried before finally pulling the gem9 back and Raven rushed towards her, wrapping the girl in a fight hug while she cried loudly., Octavia rushing to Indie while Leoni watched as a few tears slid down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them away before anyone saw and built her walls higher.

"A baby?" Clarke asked quietly

"I called her Lexa" Leoni smiled gently

"Good choice" Anders appeared in front of them

"I'm sorry did you not hear me in the stone room?" Leoni growled getting ready to pull out her gun. She needed a kill

"Yes well your terms were decided upon before one of yours killed 3 more of ours" Anders gave Echo a look
"Torturing another to get your hands on a weapon that would be used to commit genocide" Andres spoke as if he couldn't believe what he was saying

"What like this is your first rebellion" Leoni laughed humourlessly but he was dead serious

"The man's a priest Leoni" Diyoza stared into Anders' non existent soul

"Fine" the commander scoffed and snatched the gem9 off of Echo and handed it to Anders
"Even?" She asked impatiently

"Are you kidding? I just told you 3 disciples are dead and that doesn't include the ones you killed on your way to the stone room" Anders tutted

"Oh boohoo I lost thousands in one day you'll get over it" Leoni snorted

"Your people disgust me" he spat and Leoni clenched her jaw 
"Look at you all! Raised like savages! Selfish beasts who prioritise themselves over the needs of others you don't deserve the Shepard's mercy" he looked as though he was about to throw up

"Brave words from the man standing alone in front of an armed pack of 'beasts'" Miller raised his gun

"He's not alone" Diyoza noticed and suddenly over a dozen other guards became visible from behind Anders. Leoni raised her gun to the man quickly along with everyone else
"Let's get back to the Shepard's mercy" Diyoza tried to negotiate. Leoni and Hope locked eyes. They read each other easily. Leoni was flooding with anger at the man's words. She thought about her options and Hope did the same. They would have time to grab Lexa...With a subtle nod Leoni pulled the trigger 13 times killing every single one of the guards, Hope caught the gem9 in her hand and rushed to drop it into the humidifier.
"HOPE NO!" Diyoza yelled and ran after her as Miller and Indie wrestled Leoni to the ground, disarming her as fast as they could which wasn't very quick. She fired 6 more shots before Miller finally got a hold of her gun

"YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT YOU DON'T GET A SAY! I SHOULDVE LET THEM KILL YOU ALL YOU SON OF A BITCH" she screamed emotionally as she was restrained by her two guards and they yanked her out of the room kicking and screaming while Octavia and Echo did the same with Hope except this girl was screaming because her mother had stopped the gem9, taking it all on herself, sacrificing her life for her daughter's soul.

"NO MUM NO NO IM SORRY MUM PLEASE NOT AGAIN NOT AGAIN PLEASE" Hope screamed as the doors shut and they all watched as Diyoza perished along with the other dead bodies  but still some of the guards had made it to safety

"You you YOU TOOK HIM YOU RUINED MY LIFE MY BELLAMY MY- my Bellamy how could you how could they take him" Leoni slowly broke down into violent sobs, collapsing into Miller and Indie's arms

"Shh young one I have you. You're safe you're with me" Indie cooed into her hair but his words meant nothing to the grieving commander

"I should've let you kill them I should have I shouldn't have let Levitt get into my head I...I want him back" Leoni cried into them heartbroken.
"I want him back" she sobbed before turning and burying herself into Miller as he wrapped her in a tight embrace.


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