Don't pity me Miller

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The fighting pits

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The fighting pits. Leoni Grace Kane had sent her mentor, sister's girlfriend and the love of her own life to fight to the death in a pit. She had never hated herself more than she did at that moment. She didn't want to but an example had to be set! You don't let life get in the way of duties. And no one fucks with Leoni freaking Kane! Leoni stood in front of her mirror shakily, gripping the sink with both hands so she was steadied. She slid the dagger out of her boot without taking her gaze away from her eyes. She sliced open the crease in her arm and black blood instantly began to ooze out. She took to fingers and soaked them in the blood before using it to draw on her war paint. (Shown above incase you forgot) she then washed her hands until the water ran clear and they were un stained once again but her hands were never really blood free were they. She then pulled the bobble from her hair so her blonde strands danced loosely around her shoulders, covering them like a cloak. She pressed her Heda head piece firmly onto her forehead making sure it was still stuck before walking out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. She tugged on her gloves making sure they were firmly on when her eyes happened across the inscription. The commander ran her thumb across the imprinted words

'Ai hod Yu in'

Lexa loved her. She had to remember that. Of course she remembered that! The best bit about the flame was that she could feel her sister in the same way she felt when Lexa was simply near her. Leoni could feel her. The blonde took a deep breath before walking out of the room. She was instantly met with Miller and Niylah who had been assigned to her permanently out of Octavia's fear for her safety

"It's time to face Wonkru" Niylah informed as they walked

"Your first fighting pit Heda." Miller said gently feeling sorry for the girl

"Don't pity me Miller" Leoni croaked. Her voice was hoarse after an hour of pacing and worrying
"I sacrifice the people I love every day" she said, eyes darting everywhere but the two people either side of her. The rest of the walk was silent. Leoni felt as though she was walking to her death not someone else's

"Gaia and Octavia will be on the platform with you. We weren't sure if you wanted Maddie for this or not" Niylah told the commander

"No. I don't want her to see this." Leoni decided
"Send her and the other children to gather the tents from outside that should buy us enough time" Leoni ordered and Niylah nodded before radioing for the task to be carried out by someone less important than her. When the three reached the doors Leoni didn't hesitate to push them open so hard that they banged the wall on the other side. She walked to the front of the balcony then down the stairs into the pit where Octavia already was. Wonkru had gathered along the edges of the landing and around the prisoners to watch the fight while Bellamy Clarke and Indra kneeled in filth, gagged and afraid. Leoni's heart shattered as her eyes met Bellamy's. There was an ear piercing silence throughout the bunker as Leoni walked slowly towards the traitors
"When I came back to you after Praimfaya I found one clan" Leoni started, pacing around the arena, looking up at her people
"I had never been prouder of my people than I was at that moment." The crowd broke out into cheers, rattling against the fence
"I had never been prouder my united people!" Leoni stamped on the ground making the cheers ring louder
"One deadly machine ready to wipe out any enemy" Leoni's voice boomed even over the overwhelming amount of cheers
"And what happens when the odd spanner gets stuck in that machine? We take it OUT!" clapping, whooping, shouting! It was enough to make anyone follow Wonkru, follow Leoni.
"The three people I have i front of me today tried to tare us apart. To surrender" she scoffed and the people began to laugh at the ridiculousness of it
"They are the enemy of Wonkru. But per tradition they get one last chance to fight for their lives." Leoni sneered
"THE FIGHT BEGINS IN 1 HOUR" Leoni roared and the crowd roared back. Leoni then walked back out of the pit and into the throne room where she slammed the doors shut after Octavia had slipped in behind her

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