I really am a ghost

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Leoni opened her eyes to find herself in a dark place with a bright light in front of her

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Leoni opened her eyes to find herself in a dark place with a bright light in front of her. Having nowhere to go but up she followed the light blindly. She walked out of the tunnel she soon realised the darkness to be and looked out onto dozens of tall glass buildings she looked at them in awe remembering them from films she'd watched. Empire State Building! She knew that one from like everything! She smiled like a kid on Christmas morning as she took in the city, temporarily forgetting the situation she was in. Then she saw a person walking towards her, remembering she wasn't supposed to be seen she hurried out of the way but the man seemed to follow her. she took off jogging before coming to a busy road where she was pushed out the way by people who didn't seem to see her at all. they didn't even feel it when they bumped her. Leoni looked at the man who she thought was following her to realise it was her father
"Dad!" she whispered her heart shattering. he walked towards her before waving towards someone

"hey" he greeted and walked right through her

"he can't see me" Leoni noticed and then she spotted Jasper
"Jasper?" Leoni frowned confused and followed the man. he was holding what Leoni knew to be an ice cream and sat on a bench. he looked happy
"god Jasper you got like a punch to the gut i nearly bled to death and didn't take the chip" she sighed but he didn't hear or see her.
"fuck i really am a ghost" Leoni noticed almost relived then she heard whispers of her name. she looked up and around trying to see who it was and noticed the infinity symbol on a traffic light! she began walking towards it leaving Jasper behind but when she got near, the traffic light changed and a woman walked past her with her hair styled like an infinity sign. she began to follow the woman instead but suddenly everyone turned and could all of a sudden see her. people sped walked towards her. she ran away and people started running too. she ran up a set of stairs and people attacked kicking and punching her Leoni tried to fight them off but they didn't even flinch! suddenly an unmistakable battle cry came from behind her and she saw the girl she lived for jumping through the air and taking out the people attacking Leoni. she turned around to smirk at Leoni
"Lexa?" Leoni asked in utter disbelief

"i've got you" Lexa nodded and then turned to kill the next load of people attempting to murder her sister "you gonna sit there and weep or kick some ass?" Lexa called out throwing one of her blades for Leoni to catch which she did with ease Leoni...

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"i've got you" Lexa nodded and then turned to kill the next load of people attempting to murder her sister
"you gonna sit there and weep or kick some ass?" Lexa called out throwing one of her blades for Leoni to catch which she did with ease Leoni twirled it around in her hand before thrusting if through one man's gut and pulling it out with a war cry she tripped the next woman up before stabbing her straight through the heart. then she elbowed another woman in the throat sending her stumbling backwards for Leoni to slit her throat. Once everyone was dead Lexa and Leoni turned to look at each other just catching their breaths before running to one another and hugging. Leoni patted all down Lexa's back and then pulled away grabbing her face making sure she was real

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