Keep walking Blondie

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As the Sky people filtered out of the camp Leoni made her way to the back to ensure everyone had left

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As the Sky people filtered out of the camp Leoni made her way to the back to ensure everyone had left. If she was going to do this she was going to do it right.

"You did good here Bellamy" she heard Clarke say. Leoni didn't give it a second thought. She wasn't one for touchy-feely things. Soon Clarke was at her side


"Keep walking blondie" Leoni waved her hand, gesturing for Clarke to walk on.

"Please Leoni-"

"The second my people hear you calling me that they'll have you hung. I won't stop them" Leoni sneered

"I just wanted to say thank you" Clarke heaved sorrowfully

"Don't bother, I'm not doing it for you and the second you're all safe I'm out of your lives and back to my own one so really don't bother" Leoni growled. Clarke went to retort but decided against it, realising fighting with Leoni Kane wasn't a good idea.

"You ready Princess?" Bellamy sighed from the girls side

"Do I have a choice" she stated rather than asked

"When have we ever had a choice" Bellamy shrugged before following Clarke. His words sunk in deep. When had she ever had a choice. When she was sent to the ground? No. When she was crowned Haiplana Kom Natblida? Not really. When she made her first kill? Definitely not. When she decided to help these people? Yes. Yes she did have a choice. Was it the right one? Leoni didn't think further into it before grabbing Fyucha and making her way through the crowd to the front beside Octavia.

"You good?" The brunette asked looking at the blonde beside her as she lead her dark horse

"Remember Octavia, caring is your first mistake" Leoni repeated a lesson she had been taught by Kidra almost every day of her life

"Of course" Octavia nodded eagerly. She looked over to the warrior and took in her stone cold face before trying to mimic it herself. Leoni smiled slightly at the innocence in Octavia's joy. She knew it wouldn't last long. She also noticed how the soon to be warrior looked at her horse

"Would you hold him while I do up my gloves?" Leoni asked

"oh no I shouldn't I don't know anything-" Octavia tried to get out of it

"his name is Fyucha, which means baby in my language, now you know something. here hold the reigns" Leoni ignored her and held them out for Octavia to grasp and she did, giving into her desire

"he's beautiful" Octavia gazed up at the tall, dark horse in awe

"he's in desperate need of a wash" Leoni relaxed into her new found friendship as she zipped up her fingerless gloves

"do you think you could teach me to ride once we get to the beach?" Octavia asked now leading the horse with confidence

"I'll have to. every warrior must learn" Leoni nodded

"you should also learn to call me Leok. That is my royal name and it's what I should be addressed by" Leoni said with a harshness in her tone. Octavia loved it, here for the first time in her life was a woman to look up to and follow, a true female role model

"yeah definitely! so-" but before Octavia could ask her next question an axe came flying through the air, just missing Ovtavia's ear before lodging into a boys scull.

"scouts. they're here" Leoni stated with a sharp inhale.

"BACK TO THE CAMP" Leoni ordered before hoisting herself up onto Fyucha and offering her hand for Octavia to hop on as well. Octavia did so and the two galloped back to camp where the rest of the teenagers began to gather

"gunners! get to your posts!" Bellamy called as teenagers scrambled around preparing for war

"looks like you got your fight" Clarke muttered to Bellamy

"watch it Griffin" Leoni sneered as she brought her horse to Bellamy's side for Octavia to hop off.

"i need to go, I'm afraid this is where my help stops, stay within the walls as best as you can and for Becca's sake don't get yourself killed" Leoni instructed sternly to the Blake siblings although her eyes fell on Bellamy's, those deep eyes she had yet to learn.

"Take it easy" Finn said from behind her

"That is not a phrase I'm familiar with" Leoni smirked and watched as Finn did the same. She then griped each of their arms sending a brief nod before galloping off to find Lexa

"WORK AS A PEOPLE" she yelled her final piece of advise

When Leoni made it to Polis there were thousands upon thousands of warriors prepared to give their lives for their Heda. When they realised Leoni was there they made a path for Fyucha to trot through, watching her ride effortlessly as Lexa fired up the troops

"-PEACE WILL BE HAD AMONG THE TWELVE CLANS. YOU FIGHT TO THE DEATH! FOR YOUR HEDA" she yelled raising a fist in the air as the people cheered

"for Heda" Leoni muttered from her new found place at Lexa's side.

"and where have you been" Lexa sneered as the two rode their horses to the back of the crowd where they would start marching

"With Lincoln, he escaped, I was there to make sure he's ok, which he is thanks for asking" Leoni lied, looking to Lexa showing no emotion.

"don't lie to me Leok" the commander narrowed her eyes, trying to figure the girl out

"i wouldn't dare, Heda" Leoni was a good liar. always had been.

"then to the death" Lexa nodded satisfied with Leoni's lie

"To the death" Leoni repeated. She meant what she'd said, her people came first so now? Now it was time for war!

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