Don't be boring

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Leoni glided elegantly through the bustling crowds, holding her skirt up when she walked up the red stairs towards the balcony of the palace

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Leoni glided elegantly through the bustling crowds, holding her skirt up when she walked up the red stairs towards the balcony of the palace. She stood at Simone's side while Russel stood proudly in front of a microphone. The entirety of Sanctum stood before them waiting eagerly for whatever Russel would say

"Welcome to naming day" he smiled and the crowd burst into applause. Leoni watched Jordan and Delilah look at each other lovingly
"On this rare day we observe the 4 pillars of Sanctum. What are they?" Russel lifted his hands

"Repent Renew Rejoice Rebirth" the crowd recited in unison making Leoni catch Bellamy's eyes warily

"Precisely. Today we focus on rebirth. The return of our beloved Priya" Russel spoke with such ease it was almost hypnotising

"Hallowed be her name" the crowd said again. One collective voice.

"Indeed. And we bestow her name onto our darling Delilah" Russel gestures to the glowing girl and the crowd burst into applause once more
"As I've done every naming day I will begin with making amends. As your leader it is my job to keep us safe during the red sun" Russel's voice turned shallow and guilty. Leoni felt increasingly bothered from her place on the balcony beside the 4 other primes
"Kaylee. I failed you in that aspect of my role. Upon realising you and your family hadn't made it to our shelter I closed the door. Please know I kept it open as long as I could, too long. My decision was one with horrific consequences and I am so sorry for that. I understand the heartbreak you feel just now. I know your pain" his voice begun to break and it took everything in Leoni not to burst out laughing at the awkwardness of this grown ass man crying in front of his people. He embraced Kaylee and weeped into her shoulder, the crowd applauding once more. Leoni lifted a hand to her mouth in order to stifle her giggles so that she was fully composed by the time he started talking  again
"Now it is your turn. Tell your neighbour you love them" Russel commanded and the crowd all broke into separate conversations.

I love you Leoni mouthed over to Bellamy with a subtle smile and he returned it

I love you more he winked and Leoni's smile grew with a roll of her eyes

"Free yourselves of burden" Russel called before turning to Leoni

"Your highness" she nodded her head

"Heda" he bowed his head also

"My people do this as a sign of greeting and respect" Leoni showed Russel how to do the grounder shake which was pretty easy but he still managed to do it in a way that annoyed Leoni

"thank you for being here today" Russel lifted her hand to his lips kissing it softly while Leoni pulled that sickly smile that made any subject fall for her instantly

"Of course" she kept up the fake pleasantness

"Go, enjoy the celebrations I'll see you soon" he pushed her away to hurry down the stairs which she did without rejection

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