You are my people

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"we gotta go!" Leoni said after a few seconds

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"we gotta go!" Leoni said after a few seconds

"i know!" Bellamy replied before standing and offering his hand to help Leoni up

"i'm good let's just go!" Leoni dismissed jumping up and starting to run with Bellamy through her limp, then they crashed into Monroe and Sterling. Bellamy quickly explained about the fire, not knowing where Finn was and they told the two they had seen the Ark coming down. the four start to walk through the woods guards raised

"you doing ok" Bellamy asked lowly

"why wouldn't i be" Leoni kept her eyes forward not daring to meet Bellamy's

"you killed a few of your people today plus getting shot!" Bellamy looked down at her leg which was growing weaker by the second

"you are my people and gunshots are simply wounds that will heal... not that I've ever been shot before"

"The grounders are your people we are just-"

"you are my blood." Leoni turned to Bellamy quickly

"and your mine...regardless of colour" Leoni and Bellamy nodded at eachother and Leoni felt a tingle up her spine. something she wasn't used to.

"Besides, what my people were doing today was wrong. I have more loyalty to you than the scumbag that follows orders without thinking for himself"

"thanks for saving my life back there earlier"

"Same goes" Leoni patted the boys shoulder
"Slowly earning my trust Blake" Bellamy laughed lightly

"Good" he breathed

"They'll be fine" Leoni answered the unasked question she could see turning over in Bellamy's mind
"As much as I dislike her Clarke seems to be smart. She will keep everyone safe. Octavia will be well cared for with Lincoln as well I should know he's been taking care of me for years."

"Thank you" Bellamy muttered looking to the ground. She could read him like a book and she'd barely known him a day
"How do you say that in grounder...thank you?" Before Leoni could answer Monroe's voice came calling alarmingly

"Bellamy!" Monroe shouted directing the teenagers gaze to Finn and another kid being dragged by the injured Tristan. they watched as the grounder stopped and slit the teenagers throat when he stopped walking.

"No!" Finn called in distraught

"That's one. i lost 300! gotta keep own alive to talk to Heda so count yourself lucky" Tristan growled. Leoni's stomach dropped.

"300" Leoni whispered her confidence faltering. The pain in her leg growing as the adrenaline continued to ware off

"Come one let's follow" Bellamy ordered as the four teens tracked behind Tristan and Finn quietly.
"I'll distract him, Monroe, Sterling! you guys get Finn, Leoni-"

"Leok" Leoni corrected

"Leok, you stand by ready to attack" Bellamy ordered Monroe and Sterling looked at each other in fear

"ok tweedle dee and and tweedle dumb you did not survive a full blown war and a rocket blast to chicken out at your friends time of need. you're warriors now. act like them" Leoni pushed the two to the side as Bellamy went to distract the grounder that had Finn

it took about 5 seconds for Monroe and Sterling to dash off and Tristan attempted to take Bellamy captive but Leoni hadn't come all this way to give up now even if killing another one of her people was a bit of an inconvenience

"You want a job done right you do it yourself " Leoni muttered under her breath as she threw her blade over her head and watched as it smashed through that man's skull and he buckled to the ground. Leoni stalked over to him and ripped her blade from the man's head before freeing Finn and making sure the boys were both ok
"Yu Gonplei Ste Odon"

"thank you Leoni" Finn breathed, catching his breath and patting the girl on the back.

"Of course" Leoni's eyes were fixed in the dead man in front of her. Another one bites the dust

"Oh my God, your leg!" Finn noticed. The blood had dried but it was still oozing slowly

"Will heal in time" Leoni shrugged, her eyes still trained on Tristan "the same can not be said for Tristan"

"Did you know him?" Finn asked, watching Leoni's gaze

"Unfortunately yes, he's a follower. He would die for Heda before questioning her motives which is seen as loyalty to most but to me...stupidity." Leoni sighed, kicking the man over so she didn't have to look into his lifeless eyes. Then Monroe and Sterling came running towards them ready for battle before noticing that Tristan was already dead
"Yeah! You kinda missed the boat" Leoni confronted the two

"Sorry we just-" Sterling started

"You just what? Left Finn to die? Left me to die?" Bellamy questioned provocatively

"We were scared" Monroe muttered, kicking her feet in shame

"No you were cowards. In my culture cowards are strung up to die. We do not desert our own...ever! Do you understand" Leoni stood tall in front of the pair. They nodded in fear of the girl.
"Now, you work 10 times harder to prove your loyalty to your people or you risk being the weakest link and everyone knows they're the first to go do I make myself clear!" Leoni continued, her eyes full of rage. She wants particularly angry she just used fear to get her way, always had and it wasn't a habit she planned on breaking any time soon

"Yeah we get it" Sterling said

"Damn right you get it!" Leoni finished. She looked them up and down in disgust before turning around to Finn and Bellamy who both looked at her in shock

"Impressive" Finn nodded

"It's called leading" Leoni scoffed
"So what now back to the drop ship?"

"And pray" Bellamy spoke lowly in concern

"They'll be fine" Finn assured

"Split up and get to Alpha station- Leoni!" a unmistakable voice could suddenly be heard through the woods. After all this time, Leoni still knew her fathers voice.

How's Kane gonna react when he sees those 56 scars though? Keep voting to find out

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