What can i say i'm a genius

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Leoni had spent her morning in the streets of Polis

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Leoni had spent her morning in the streets of Polis. when she walked out of the building she felt so free. the blue dress Flokru had sent hugged her upper body in just the right places while the skirt flowed freely. however by the time the sun started to go down Leoni was once again standing behind the huge oak doors that guarded the throne room. taking a deep breath and allowing a grin to spread across her face. she then pushed open the doors making the crowd of ambassadors and their guests burst into applause. Lexa stood proudly at her throne while Leoni walked into the room folding her hands together and giggling childishly. the clapping died down and Leoni was passed a chalice of alcohol. She held it with two hands looking at it thoughtfully before starting her speech

"The last time I took a drink in front of a whole bunch of people i was poisoned so rest assured Heda has had these bottles locked away for months" Leoni shrugged and the whole room laughed
"Just like how I'm no longer allowed to taint my own arrows, go riding alone or associate with Azgedakru" Leoni raised her glass to the Azgeda rep who chuckled in good sportsmanship
"No but seriously I can complain about it all I want but without those precautions let's face it I'd be dead!" The room laughed again
"There is no way in hell I'd have made it to 19 without my commander and sister Lexa" Leoni raised her glass to Lexa who nodded appreciatively as the guests clapped
"we can all agree i'm a bit of a hot head so most of you have Lexa to thank for your lives as well" the crowd laughed again. god were they easy to entertain
"this year has been one that will stay with me until the day i die, beautiful lives have been lost and beautiful relationships have been born. here's to this year! hope to see you all next year and enjoy the party! to 19!" Leoni finished her toast and everyone else raised their glasses

"to 19" everyone replied in unison and at once the music was restarted and Leoni stood down off the step she had been speaking from. Lexa was the first to get to her as everyone broke into their individual conversations

"nice speech"

"what can i say i'm a genius" Leoni winked making Lexa laugh lightly looking to the ground

"Leok!" Clarke called walking towards them

"Wanheda" Leoni mocked jokingly

"you look gorgeous" she hummed reaching out to squeeze the girls arm

"thank you!"

"i actually have something for you"

"oh you didn't have to-" but before Leoni could finish Clarke had produced a walkie talkie. Leoni looked at it for a second instantly taking her back to her childhood


"Leoni Leoni Leoni look what i made!" Axon rushed into their room excitedly

"what?" the young blonde sat up excitedly

"walkie talkies!" Axon grinned proudly

"what do they do?" Leoni asked taking one of the objects off of Axon and holding it to her ear trying to work it out

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