Now this is just perfect

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Awaking once again in a cell Leoni jumped awake straight to her feet. It was at this point she realised she was in a dress, tiara and gloves

 It was at this point she realised she was in a dress, tiara and gloves

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"What's going on?" She yelled running straight to the exit. She banged on the hard wooden door with all her might
"Let me out! Right the hell now! LET ME OUT" her pounding became more aggressive with her shouts

"She's awake" the guards told each other from outside the door

"Let me in" Russel demanded and Leoni stepped back, curling her fingers into 2 fists ready to fight

"You're awake" Abby smiled cockily. Leoni had to fight off a frown at her appearance, all dressed up and shiny then it clicked

"What did you do" she whispered

"I hear my host killed your father. This should be enough vengeance" Simone shrugged with a smirk

"You BITCH AI LAIK FRAG YU OP" Leoni screamed as went to lunge at Simone but Russel signalled for his 2 guards to take her hostage. They grabbed an arm each holding her firmly so she faced the older man in front of her

"Here's how this is going to work Miss Kane. We're going to space on your ship, Sanctum serves us no purpose anymore. You are going to be our next host for when the time comes which means congratulations you're a Prime." He grinned
"As for the present we need your darling Raven to fly us so you'll be coming with us" he signalled for his guards to start pushing her out the room, one held a gun to her temple. She struggled all the way having no value for her life at that point

"What's happening to my daughter, what did you do to her!" Leoni demanded

"Maddie made a deal. Hand you over and we wouldn't kill her or her friends. She honoured the deal and that was that" Russel shrugged as Leoni was forced down the hallway. She felt weak probably due to the bone marrow extraction but at this moment in time she was in no state to take the guards out. They hauled her through the doors to the great hall where a good number of people were gathered. Leoni's eyes darted around, there were a group of fancy dressed men and women Leoni assumed to be resurrected Primes, about a dozen guards along with Jackson and Raven being held hostage

"Here's what's gonna happen Raven" Simone started as she took Leoni from the guard and pressed the gun into her temple with one hand while covering her mouth with the other so she couldn't talk
"You'll fly our ship or she dies" Simone shrugged and Leoni started fighting. It was a lie! They needed her! Wanted her!

"Ok ok fine!" Raven folded
"I'll do it" she added in distraught

"As I suspected." Simone smiled and started to pull Leoni away. Leoni turned her head to look at her friends, locking eyes with one John Murphy

"No no NO NO! MURPHY MURPHY DON'T LET THEM ITS A TRAP MURPH A TRAP-" and just like that Leoni was put to sleep again.


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