Just me and you

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they continued the process for several hours after that. every now and then they would get a brief flash of Leoni's memories but truth was most of her memories had left with the flame

"-truth is he believes he can walk on water" Levitt and Bill watched as Callie spoke to Becca on the screen, memories being transported directly from Leoni's brain

"and you don't?" Becca asked

"i believe in you" Callie answered and then the video glitched out

"no. no! bring it back! right now!" Bill demanded. Leoni closed her eyes. she felt like a traitor but she was also a mother. she had to do this.

"i-i can't it was just a fragment! i had to activate the extra-synaptic gaba receptors just to gain access" Levitt spoke his computer gibberish as he tried to search through Leoni's brain using technology
"it's an entirely different pathway from normal memories" he shook his head trying to understand

"enough excuses! i want to see my daughter!" Bill demanded angrily

"your daughter" Leoni laughed weakly
"through blood maybe but never through love" she added darkly

"shut her up" Bill glared at Leoni furiously

"sir-" Levitt tried to plead her case

"do it!" Bill snapped. reluctantly Levitt picked up a long rod like tool that flickered with blue electricity and jabbed it into Leoni's side. she convulsed as the electricity pulsed through her
"good. now get me my daughter." Bill ordered

"i guess i can dig a little deeper to try and access Becca's memories...but it's risky" Levitt warned

"as long as you keep her memories in tact i don't care what you have to do" Bill insisted

"are you feeling alright Leoni?" Levitt checked

"don't pretend that you give a crap about how i feel. just do what you need to do so i can go home and see my kids" Leoni muttered. Levitt zoomed in on Leoni's mind and her memories flashed on the screen but not as fast as they flashed before her eyes. then it all made sense

"stop. Levitt! LEVITT STOP! STOP IT STOP!" she yelled

"wh-what's wrong what did you see?" the man asked urgently

"i remember i remember! Because she- holy shit she went to the other side! Becca went to take the test but decided against it she said he's not ready! we're not ready! the human race isn't ready! If you do this test we'll all die! that's it i'm done with this" Leoni tried to get out of the bed again

"what you have to understand Miss Blake-Kane is that Becca and I had a dispute. it was a long long time ago now but i remember it well. you are only seeing her side of the story and rightly so you believe it! it's all you've ever known! she's literally in your head" Bill began to explain

"enough with your bullshit!" Leoni hissed
"I know what I saw and I know she's telling the truth, going forward with this test will end us all, end the world your Callie helped to create, end everything as we know it-"

"Levitt" The shepard sighed and without having to be called on twice Levitt electrocuted the girl
"listen to me girl. Becca may have been right at the time but i've spent hundreds of years preparing us, making his stronger, better. trust me we're ready. let's go again" Bill signalled to Levitt

"no, Levitt no we're not going again" Leoni protested
"I SAID NO! LET ME GO I WANT MY HUSBAND I WANT TO SEE MY HUSBAND" Leoni struggled so hard against the contraptions around her that blood started to spill from her head

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