You're totally going to hell

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"Leoni Kane" a man sneered from behind the open door

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"Leoni Kane" a man sneered from behind the open door. Leoni whipped around to see her one most hated person

"is there just no killing you" Leoni's face tensed up into a stern frown

"i guess not" Emerson spat poisonously
"i've been watching you" he slammed the door shut locking them both in

"oh really?" Leoni entertained the taunting quite sure she could take the man out. he was clearly beaten up, hadn't eaten properly in months and hadn't slept well in even longer

"you've changed Miss Kane!" he smirked standing up from where he was leaning on the wall. he had his hands behind his back

"i have?" Leoni asked sarcastically

"i preferred the old you" he nodded with a snide smile

"many will" Leoni took a ready stance
"she was easier to kill" she snarled before stepping forward to strike Emerson with her blade but to her wildest surprise Emerson caught her wrist and made her drop her blade. trying again Leoni went to spin out of his grip and kick him but he blocked every strike

"i've studied you and your fighting and everything about you" he hissed in her face
"i have spent every miserable second since the death of my children planning how I would take revenge and it all starts with you for letting her spare me" he continued before pushing her back to the wall. the impact and the surprise made Leoni freeze against the wall for a minute and before she could react to everything she was met with a nasty pain
"and i decided that the best way to end you..." Emerson growled while Leoni looked down at her stomach to see the arrow sticking out
"the same way you tried to end me" Emerson dropped the bow he fired the arrow from dramatically and stepped towards the bleeding girl he pushed the arrow in further making her gasp and look at him in pain
"die" Emerson snarled before walking out the room closing the door behind him

"I- eh" Leoni chocked as she lost her footing and fell to the floor. she could already feel the blood coming up her throat. she coughed the blood up as it seeped out of her stomach as well
"fuck" she cursed leaning her head back on the wall. already she felt herself floating out of consciousness

"Leoni!" Bellamy could be heard calling her name from down the hall
"Raven worked out Alie2 you have to see this!" he opened doors looking for her

"Bell" Leoni whispered. she managed to grab her dropped blade. groaning, she used it to pull the door as open as far as she could. thankfully Bellamy saw the movement and jogged towards Leoni's dorm her opened the door further and spotted her bleeding out on the floor

"Lee!" he exclaimed dropping down beside her

"Emerson" Leoni said clearly trying to sit up but Bellamy pushed her back down

"no no no don't move" Bellamy said panicked placing bother hands either side of the arrow pressing down on the wound which would have hurt her but the contact sent an overwhelming flock of butterflies through her spirit completely numbing the pain his pressure caused

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