Fight my war

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When Leoni and her guard arrived at the doors of the jail Leoni told the guard to wait outside and went in alone

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When Leoni and her guard arrived at the doors of the jail Leoni told the guard to wait outside and went in alone. she turned her key in the lock and walked into the room slowly. Bellamy and Clarke instantly stood up
"Clarke you can go, get ready for battle" Leoni dismissed the blonde with a wave of her hand but she didn't move
"now" the commander snapped and and Clarke left hesitantly. Leoni watched her go before turning to her boyfriend...if you could even call him that anymore

"what you gonna do scream and shout? kill me? whatever it is just get it over with" Bellamy huffed, sitting back down and dropping his head into his hands

"you were planning to take my Maddie. you were about to put her in a car and make her show you the way to the valley that was taken from her." Leoni said gently
"what was i gonna do let you run free?" she shrugged

"so what now? go to war hope you don't get blown up?" Bellamy asked bitterly

"pretty much yeah" Leoni crouched down in front of Bellamy placing her hands on his knees

"and you're back to the Leoni who feels nothing again- oh or do you go by Leok when you pretend not to care?" Bellamy asked with a scoff looking down at her furiously

"Let's not forget who the bad guy is here" Leoni's growled

"I know what I did was wrong but it's not as bad starting war on the last survivable place on earth which also happens to be where your own damn father is right now" Bellamy snapped

"I have to fight this war. It's the only way" the commander insisted calmly

"then what?" Bellamy asked almost rhetorically
"wait for the next enemy to fight?"

"no" Leoni shook her head slowly.
"This makes us even" she shrugged. You could practically see Bellamy's head start whizzing. her eyes flickering from one of his to the other.
"You slept with my enemy...I'm inflicting war upon your friends." he clenched his jaw
"Echo's a are your friends" she gave a fake pout

"Even?" he asked as if he didn't believe her

"I mean if that's what you want?" she asked sarcastically, standing up and pulling him to his feet. his hands instantly fell to rest on her waist. he lowered his head to lean on hers
"A chance to have it all! Get me back" she looked up at him, trying to steady her roaring heartbeat

"of course i do" he whispered

"Then fight my war" Leoni said, stiffly and stood back from him

"Ok" he nodded
"I'll go get ready" he kissed her suddenly and Leoni was taken aback by the emotion behind it.
"I love you" he whispered when he walked away, leaving Leoni slightly dumbfounded.

Leoni stood at the head of a table in the candlelit mapping room looking down at a wide and detailed map

"Ok so there are three entrances to the valley" Leoni informed her team which consisted of Miller, Luna, Octavia, Indie, Maddie, Niylah, Indra and after much persuasion from Bloodreina, Cooper.
"They are located here here and here" Leoni pointed them out.
"After much consideration I've given up on trying to head straight in without help from our slimy little friends but I will not be transferring the worms through a person. Bloodreina, Maddie and Cooper. You three will take the rover and soften the battlefield with the worms, take them in containers and as long as you get them within a 5 mile radius of the valley they'll find human flesh and weaken the enemy before we get there. Cooper let me make myself clear when I say this is your one and only chance for redemption. If you attempt to stray from my plan or question my abilities my daughter is under strict instructions to kill you" Leoni told the three girls who nodded thoughtfully, taking all the instructions in. Cooper looking subtly terrified as Maddie gave her a daunting smirk
"Miller will take lead in the march of our first battalion through the southern tributary after Luna and I march out the commander's private army" Leoni looked to her sky friend with an expecting nod

"First?" The boy asked as if confused

"Will that be a problem?" Leoni asked with a tilt of her head but knew the answer

"No Heda it's just the first battalion belongs to Indra" Miller pointed out feeling rather unsure

"Well I'm giving it to you." Leoni shrugged
"From what I've seen and heard you're my best and most loyal guard or should I say chief" Leoni raised her eyebrows and Miller had to fight off a smile at the realisation he'd been promoted so as not to piss off Indra

"It's fine Nathan you're more than prepared" Indra assured although she was clearly dismayed about her demotion

"Actually Indra I don't need you leading any battalion so you can leave" Leoni didn't bother looking at the woman as she returned her gaze back to the map. There was a thick silence for a second before Indra bowed and left in humiliation. The woman had betrayed her commander she just didn't know that Leoni knew about the whole agreeing to help Clarke thing
"Well now that that's cleared up Maddie, come" Leoni gestured for the girl to stand between the commander and Luna

"We want you well versed in all the action" Luna smiled at the bright eyed Maddie as she looked over the map

"Now Cooper, I've been told you have some details on the worms we're in dire need of knowing?" Leoni waved a hand telling Cooper to speak

"Thank you Heda, the worms are thermoreceptors which means they're attracted to body heat, with young Maddie's knowledge of the woods we'll be able to get as close to the village as we can without being detected" Cooper explained. Both Leoni and Luna put an arm around Maddie, hugging her with pride.
"we'll release the worms here here and here" Cooper pointed out different places on the map
"Then here and here but there's one key point only you all should know. we're not taking the worms themselves anymore. we're taking their eggs. i've been preparing them so that the second we plant them they'll begin hatching" she finished

"you've done well Cooper. Thank you" Leoni nodded at the woman
"Now, Indie you'll go out at the front the second battalion you leave exactly 10 minutes after Miller and you enter here" Leoni pointed at the second entrance.
"And Niylah you lead the third leaving 20 minutes after Miller and entering here" Leoni finished with a clap
"Any questions?" Leoni asked and numerous no's came out from around the room
"Perfect! Miller, you'll set off at first light just after me, everyone go and inform your troops then get some well deserved sleep. we're going home my loves. you should all be so proud." Leoni waved them away and everyone left leaving just Octavia, Luna, herself and Maddie.

"You ready for your first war young one?" Octavia asked, tucking a strand of hair behind Maddie's ear

"And hopefully her last" Luna laughed breathlessly

"I'm ready! I mean I've been training all my life now I get to put it into action" Maddie smirked
"I'm gonna be like Harley Quinn in birds of prey" Maddie nodded to herself and Leoni just laughed

"I'll leave you with your crazy second" Leoni said to Octavia before kissing Maddie's head and beginning to leave with Luna

"Be good for Aunty O" Luna called before walking out leaving the two to strategise and train. When they emerged from the room they were met with an angry looking Indra

"Well you don't look happy to see me" Leoni rolled her eyes and kept walking, Indra quick beside her

"Why am I on the third battalion. I should be leading the first never mind marching with them" Indra scoffed

"And humble too" Leoni gave a humourless laugh

"You know I'm your best chief Heda you've said it yourself!" Indra argued
"If you're insisting we fight this war-"

"Insisting?" Luna turned around and stopped Indra from walking


"Who have you been talking to and what are you implying?" Leoni sized the woman up furiously but she knew damn well Indra had been plotting with Clarke and Bellamy

"All I'm saying is that if you truly wanted peace you would surrender" Indra said before stalking off moodily leaving Leoni with her thoughts. She turned to her sister with a frown

"Is it just me or is Indra definitely planning-" Leoni started but was cut off by a sudden blaring alarm. With a fearful look both girls ran back to the mapping room to retrieve Octavia and their daughter

I've always loved Indra but had to make her the traitor for my upcoming chapters
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