I'm trying to preserve my blood

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"I'll get the fuel, Heda? A hand?" He asked and Leoni went without argument

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"I'll get the fuel, Heda? A hand?" He asked and Leoni went without argument. They hopped up onto the truck
"I wanted to apologise again for-"

"Nothing you say will change my mind Roan. You will die and not because of Praimfaya. That's a promise." Leoni sighed before going to pick up the first barrel only to find it empty
"Shit" she cursed and Roan was instantly by her side

"No!" He muttered examining the barrel
"Look Heda" he held up an arrow he'd just extracted from the container

"Trikru" she sighed in devastation

"Guys! We got a problem!" Roan called making Bellamy and Clarke rush round.

"we lost a tank" Leoni said in disappointment knowing that's all they needed to save humanity

"I'll radio ahead, either way we still need to get the rest of the fuel to Raven, get in the rover" Clarke commanded. Leoni looked at Bellamy who looked back at her with the same finalising look

"talk soon?" Leoni said through a shaky breath and held out her arm for him to shake. she never had changed to the sky people, hand shake she always stuck to doing it the grounder way

"yeah" Bellamy said shaking her arm

"i'll see you soon" Leoni nodded trying to convince herself more than Bellamy

"you will" Bellamy promised nodding and then helped Leoni hop into the car. he shut the door for her and Leoni looked out the window, never looking away from Bellamy. he knocked on the window once before walking away. Leoni leaned back into the seat and closed her eyes

"you good to go?"  Clarke asked jumping into the drivers seat

"shh im trying to preserve my blood" Leoni said without opening her eyes

"it's gonna be fine Leoni" Clarke assured

"it's gonna be fine" Leoni laughed not believing a word that came out of Clarke's mouth
"i don't even know if i'm going to wake up tomorrow and neither do you so please just drive" Leoni snapped. She was mad at Clarke for making her be mad at Bellamy...in Leoni's head it made sense

"You're blood will save us Leoni. That's why we need it" Clarke protested

"Look the only reason I'm doing this is to take the heat off of Luna. I'm nothing but a girl with funny blood and an army you're the ones with the world saving technology" Leoni shook her head in denial

"If truth be told we wouldn't have been able to achieve anything without you. You're the bridge Leoni we all owe our lives to you so sure maybe we have the tech but you have the heart that's gonna save us all!" Clarke attempted to inspire the commander

"Like I said just drive"

When they arrived at Becca's place Jackson was the one to usher them in.
"There are 5 levels, this one is Becca's lab" Jackson explained as Leoni and Clarke looked around the glowing, white technology lair. Clarke looked in awe while Leoni realised how little her and her people really knew about Becca. But then again she barely knew her 3 times tables.

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