Go Play

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Back at camp Jaha chaos had broken loose

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Back at camp Jaha chaos had broken loose. Lexa had decided that to have peace Finn would have to die and just to make matters that bit more complicated Leoni completely backed her Heda. Finn had taken the lives of 2 people that had touched her soul as well as the rest of her hard working village. she swore to protect and avenge her people and this was the way. regardless of who disagreed even if it was her better judgment
Leoni was stood behind a woman who was sitting in a chair. she was braiding the woman's long brown hair at her request. Leoni liked to keep busy in stressful situations and this was most certainly one of those situations.

"my brother lost his life in the massacre" the women spoke suddenly, Leoni's stomach angered at the thought of the family's who had been pained

"you will get your justice my love. he will suffer the cuts" she spoke bitterly through her grimace

"did you loose anyone Leok?" the woman continued quietly

"what do you mean?" Leoni was confused as far as the 12 clans were concerned she had no grounder relatives other than Lexa

"your family from the sky, was anyone injured?" the women asked innocently piercing Leoni's heart with love and concern. Leoni knew how lucky she was to have been sent to the ground! Her people loved and respected her! And sure maybe they feared her a little bit but they worried for her and cared for her and that's more than she ever could have asked for! She had always tried to be the peoples princess knowing it was them she had t o protect so it was them that she would serve!

"no...but i had friends who were murdered...so i will be joining you in getting my justice for them." Leoni nodded as she tied off the women's now completed braids.

"thank you Leok" the women stood up and bowed
"And I mean thank you for everything! A lot of my village have been turned reapers so the truce is going to save my daughter from suffering the same fate" the woman looked genuinely grateful and that made everything Leoni had ever done feel worth it. All the pain and heartache she'd endured was all worth it! Just for one smile, to make one woman smile and feel safe, Leoni felt it was all worth it for her. The woman exited the tent leaving Leoni alone with her thoughts. She didn't see how her father or friends would ever forgive her for this but it had to be done her people had to come first over her blood. Her mind kept wandering to Hyma as she leaned on the chair to support herself. The poor woman was sick she didn't deserve the suffering Finn unleashed on her regardless of his reasoning and now Hyma's daughter Leo wouldn't even get the chance to remember her mother. Finn took that from them for nothing in return. Caring was his first mistake and maybe it was hers too. The girl turned to sit in the chair, placing her elbows on the table and letting her head hang heavy in her hands. Thoughts of Bellamy and how he'd kissed her swam around her busy mind. Thoughts of her life on the Ark clogged up her hearing. Thoughts of the blood that had been shed since skaikru came to the ground made clouded her sight. Thankfully her thoughts were interrupted by Lexa's presence

"Leok...I suspect you have your opinions on my requirements of the truce" Lexa stated heartlessly. Leoni turned to look at her stone cold face on a head held high.

"Yes" Leoni replied slowly, standing to walk towards Lexa, matching her expression and stance desperate for her wisdom and strength
"I will admit I didn't realise the assassin was Finn but none the less what was done has been done and...I want the first cut" Lexa was taken aback by the girls sneer

"I'm glad" she nodded before going to leave but before she did so the young commander turned her head to look at Leoni
"I trust you'll get Lincoln to come to his senses also" Lexa rose a brow in question

"I can't promise, you of all people should know what love does to a person"

"Just try Leok" Lexa swept out of the tent. Leoni didn't hesitate to grab her blade and leave the tent behind her, walking towards Camp Jaha

"Haiplana! You shouldn't be here!" A grounder tried to stop her but Leoni simply held up a hand in dismissal not even bothering to look at the person. She walked towards the gate where she was faced with numerous guns. Leoni simply smirked which threw the Ark guards off, how was she so casual about the 20 guns trained on her every move?

"Leoni Kane?" She tilted her head mockingly as the guards lowered their guns, they were under instruction that the legend Leoni Kane was exempt to any hatred felt for the grounders. The gates were opened, grounders went to flood in but Leoni held up a fist making them all freeze
"Anyone moves they'll be strung up next to the assassin" Leoni growled before walking into the camp and hearing the gates shut behind her. She was instantly met with Clarke and Bellamy, the girl didn't meet either of their faces as she searched for Lincoln

"Leoni thank God we were worried you'd turned your back on us" Clarke breathed before going to hug the girl. Leoni was quick to react lifting her blade to Clarke's throat sending passing guards to aim their guns at her once again

"Anyone ever told you about talking out your problems instead of shooting them?" Leoni scoffed looking around at the guards until her eyes landed on Murphy whose gun wasn't raised instead a smirk settled in on his face
"Weasel" she smiled

"Your highness" he bowed mockingly

"Hmm" Leoni looked the boy up and down before bringing her attention back to her hostage
"Oh yeah you, don't touch me we're not friends" she smiled and nodded sarcastically before lowering her blade
"Go play" Leoni waved away the guards who all eyed her up suspiciously. Leoni began to walk towards the entrance of the ark looking for Lincoln and Lincoln only. At this point in time she wasn't there to make friends she was there to be Haiplana Kom Natblida

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