It's not your fault

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Lincoln and Leoni were left hanging in the drop ship for hours, praying for sleep to find them but it never did

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Lincoln and Leoni were left hanging in the drop ship for hours, praying for sleep to find them but it never did.

"Why did you even take her in the first place!" Leoni demanded

"I saved her" Lincoln defended

"By roping her up?!"

"I panicked Leoni! I was trying to do a good thing then the next thing I knew she was in my cave!"

"Lexa is gonna kill me" Leoni whined

"Good, you deserve to be killed, you shouldn't have trekked out here" Lincoln scolded

"Why not these are my grounds, Trikru is my home!"

"Polis is your home now. Besides, you're Haiplana Kom Natblida, people want you dead so you should never be wandering the woods alone!"

"Oh come on what's the worst that could happen" the blonde scoffed

"This. This exact situation" Lincoln scowled at her

"You know what Lincoln you better start talking because if you don't maybe I won't refrain from telling Lexa about your little adventure"

"If you ever see her again" Lincoln mumbled

"You think I can't escape these numb nuts? Please" Leoni laughed

"Why does Lexa want to cut me anyway?" Lincoln changed the subject

"Indra says you helped a hostage escape and that you have a friend on the inside which makes you a traitor. Apparently it's girl too- wait!"


"Oh my god it's Octavia isn't it!"

"Shut up Leoni"

"You are such an idiot"

"And you're not?"

"No I'm not! The only reason I came out was to get some information out of you in order to save your becca dammed life. It was you and your little sky girl crush that got us into this!"

"You're the one who got her ass kicked by sky people" Lincoln rolled his eyes

"Ok first of all I put up a better fight than you and second of all in case you forgot I'm a sky person too!" Leoni sassed

"Oh forgive me Haiplana" Lincoln mocked

"You are dead to me" Leoni growled and that was all that was said.

Hours passed until movement could be heard from the entrance to the drop ship.

"Seriously Leok don't say anything this time." Lincoln hissed

"Agreed, and remember not to call me Leoni, we don't know what they know" Leoni said seriously and Lincoln nodded as the two grounders readied themselves for another beating.

"It's just me don't worry" Octavia said as she climbed up the ladder. She had a bucket of water and some rags.

"I just want to clean you guys up" neither of the 2 said anything so Octavia walked up to Lincoln and started to clean the cuts and bruises on his face while Leoni tried to see down the hatch, desperate for a way out

"I'm sorry this happened to you" Octavia whispered but Leoni wasn't paying attention. She could see people below. They were all just teenagers, no older than her. She couldn't help but wonder if she knew who she was. Was the legend of Leoni Kane known on the Ark or had her father managed to covered it all up. If her father was even alive

"hey" Octavia greeted softly to the girl. Leoni snapped her head around to look at Octavia. She held up the wet rag asking for permission. Leoni shook her head. She wasn't about to be cleaned up. No one had ever cleaned her up before. Octavia looked over to Lincoln

"Leok let her" he begged softly

"I only want to wipe the blood off of your face". Octavia reasoned. Leoni looked to Lincoln, conflicted before nodding to allow for Octavia to clean her head and face.

"Your blood is black? That's strange" Octavia commented

"Its very rare." Lincoln answered for Leoni knowing she wouldn't

"Is it Leok?" Octavia asked. Leoni only nodded

"I'm really sorry about this. All of it."

"It's not your fault" Leoni whispered finally. Octavia could only nod as silent tears ran down her face.

"I'm gonna get you both out if here, I promise" Octavia's voice shook
Both Lincoln and Leoni just nodded and once Leoni's face was clean Octavia left and Leoni and Lincoln just hung in silence, comfortable knowing they weren't in this alone.

"Lexa is never gonna let me out again" Leoni laughed and Lincoln smirked. Even in danger they found a way to love each other.

The sun broke and neither Leoni nor Lincoln had slept. Now there was light Leoni could see the ropes that held her wrists. She tugged the ropes on her wrist. Miraculously she got one undone

"Did you just untie that?" Lincoln looked to Leoni in shock

"Amatures only used a double knot" she grinned

"Speaking English will get you killed Leoni"

"Nope staying here will get me killed" with one hand free Leoni reached down her boot for a knife and cut the other rope before dropping down and having a go at at the ties on her ankles.

"Don't rescue me" Lincoln dropped his eyes to Leoni

"Don't be stupid of course I'm rescuing you." Leonni brushed him off

"No. We want peace, I can get that. Plus once they realise you're gone i can distract them" Leoni looked at Lincoln. They had both grown up so fast. 

"Fine. I will come back for you with a plan and Lexa's blessing, I promise" Leoni whispered to her friend before reaching up and kissing him in the cheek.

"If you get out by yourself you have to come see me. I'm going back to Polis to talk to Lexa about how these people live, I'll be sure to tell her you saved me."

"But I-"

"I can't have you dying on me Lincoln. Who would clean up my messes."

"Be safe" he whispered. Leoni only nodded before sneaking out of the drop ship. She found her blade and slipped it back into the holster before sneaking round the back and running towards the woods. She kept running until arms grabbed her from the side, tackling her to the ground. Leoni rolled the boy over onto his back and pushed her arm onto his throat. 

What was it with boys from the Ark!

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