Ai Laik Yuj

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"Shit" Leoni whispered to herself as her shaking hands covered her face

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"Shit" Leoni whispered to herself as her shaking hands covered her face. The girl began to just sob. She just sat there and cried, for her mother, her brother, her soldiers that had died at a war she barely tried to prevent, Lexa who no doubt thought she was dead, Lincoln for she had no idea of his whereabouts and for her life! Her life she would never get back. Her tears rolled down her face mixing her paint and blood further turning her face into one big mess. After what felt like hours she got herself together. She hoped off the bed and over to the bathroom where she found a mirror on the wall above a sink. She looked at herself in the mirror before turning on the tap and splashing water over her face cleaning herself up, something she'd done for as long as she could remember. Tears still rolled down her face but she continued to wipe them away, once all the dirt, blood and paint was off of her face she looked back to the mirror where she saw only her mother. It was a blessing and a curse to be the spitting image of someone you loved. Anger boiled in her stomach before she let out a scream of pure rage and punched the mirror cracking it into hundreds of shards. She shook her now bleeding hand and ran it under the water. She wiped her tears once more before pulling out a small container from her leggings pocket. It contained both red and black war paint. She took the black and rubbed it in her two right fingers. She looked at her reflection in the cracked mirror as she ran her two paint covered fingers vertically down from her forehead, over her eyelid and onto her cheek and continued to do the other side as well. She rinsed the remaining paint off of her fingers and then put her index finger into the red paint and smearing it into one more vertical line from her hair line down to the top of her nose. She then opened her locket and into her hand fell her diamond shaped, gold pendant which she stuck to the middle of her forehead, she patted down her braided hair, staring at the warrior in front of her.
"Ai Laik Leok Haiplana Kom Natblida" Leoni spoke through a shaky voice
I am Leoni Kane Queen of Nightblood
"Ai Laik Yuj" she continued, her voice growing stronger
I am strong
"Ai Laik a gona" her voice became aggressive
I am a warrior
"Cross ai, ai frag op yu." She yelled
Cross me I kill you.
The girl let out a deep breath
"Kom yuj kom Becca Promheda ai hed op" she whispered
With the strength of Becca Promheda I lead.
Then she went back to the bed where her blade and other weapons lay, she slid her daggers into her boots, placed her blade into the holster and stormed out of the room with only a slight limp now. She found a guard
"Where is the prison" she sneered grabbing the collar of his jacket aggressively

"D-down the corridor to the em to the l-left" the man stuttered. Leoni looked him up and down

"You're pathetic, my guards wouldn't even bother taking a second glance before dismissing you" she scoffed slamming him to the ground and walking towards lockup where she spied Bellamy and Murphy tied up

"Sorry Mam, no one is allowed to speak to the prisoners, chancellors orders" one of the guards spoke strongly as Leoni caught Bellamy's eyes.

"Do you know who I am?" She asked, in a spoilt brat sort of way, she knew how to get what she wanted
"I'm Leoni Kane! The chancellors daughter! Bit of a legend as far as I'm told, I also happen to be royalty to the people that are letting you live on these ground however all of that put aside Marcus Kane the chancellor and my father I'll have you know sent me here to deliver a message that he'd rather you not hear! So don't be nosy it's rude and go find some other delinquents to scare although they'd have to be equally as pathetic to be scared of you." she spoke aggressively. The two guards shared a look before walking off just as Leoni opened the door Finn appeared at her side "hey" he breathed like he was out of breath

"hi" Leoni replied awkwardly continuing to bust open the door
when the two teenagers got in Leoni went over to Bellamy to cut him free and Finn went to Murphy
"are you ok?" Leoni looked him over checking for any injuries

"yeah yeah i'm fine" Bellamy sighed then Leoni's eyes landed on his face

"your cheek is cut" she observed, thumbing it gently

"no shit sherlock" he smirked tiredly

"how did you manage to get through that whole battle with only a cut on the cheek" she shook her head in disbelief
"i mean i got shot!" she inspected the cut on his cheek more carefully

"yeah well...had a good friend to keep me safe i guess" Bellamy looked into Leoni's eyes as she met his slowly

"yeah...i guess you did" Leoni tried to suppress her smile as she cut his bondages.

"what's going on?" Bellamy asked Finn, distracting from the moment.

"Kane lied. he's not sending a rescue team after the others we have to go ourself" Finn explained seriously. Bellamy gets up to untie Murphy

"what are you doing!" Finn protested as Leoni stood up from her crouched position

"he knows where the grounder camp is that might be where our friends are being kept" Bellamy justified his actions as Murphy stood up sheepishly

"Leoni knows where the camp is" Finn bounced back

"Leoni has been through enough" Bellamy sneered

"Leoni is a real life person in this room who does indeed know where the grounder camp is and can get in and find out what's going on on her way back to Tondc without questioning" Leoni tilted her head as the three boys looked at her

"i like her" Murphy shook a finger at the girl
"i like her a lot" the big smirked

"ok then let's go...and the weasel comes, need some humour around" Leoni finished as she gestured for everyone to leave

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