Exactly bitch

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"so. do you have the names?" Leoni asked calmly her eyes darting from Echo to Bellamy over and over again

"yes...but i'm not giving them to you. not when you'll execute them the next chance you get" Echo replied and Leoni stiffened up, uncrossing her legs and laying her arm to rest on Octavia's lap, raising her head to glare at the spy

"so you're a spy and a murderer with an conscience...cause that makes sense" Octavia laughed humourlessly

"but you do have the names?" Luna asked again

"wait" Leoni held up a hand to stop her sister from continuing
"why are you here" she pointed to Bellamy. he had a different look on his face. the one he got right before they started fighting

"It's Monty..." Bellamy started cautiously and disheartened
"he was wrong, he can't hack into the eye in the sky from here not without help from the inside" he finished almost guiltily

"so...you both failed" Cooper pointed out to Leoni who went to speak but was cut off

"not so fast" Bellamy held a finger to silence Cooper. Bellamy held a thumb drive up towards Leoni

"what is that?" Octavia asked skeptically

"the inside help" Bellamy's face changed to a proud one as Leoni shifted in her chair
"Monty put in programme that would open a back door in their systems and give us control of their entire mother ship. he says it's easy enough to use all we have to do is get inside their firewall" Bellamy said and Leoni's concentrated face turned to a cold one

"you want us to let you defect?" Leoni asked raising her eyebrows at the nonsense

"well you can let us do that or let the rest of your people starve to death" Bellamy shrugged and Leoni couldn't help but feel a raging pit of fury start to build in the pit of her stomach

"no way." Octavia denied
"letting you go would be sending you on a suicide mission. Diyoza knows that i'm your sister and Leoni's your...Was your..." Octavia didn't know how to put it

"Was? What happened I don't understand you guys are-" Echo frowned in confusion

"ok you don't get to comment on my relationship" Leoni held up a finger with a sneer, almost shaking with anger at this point 

"it's probably best to stay out of this one" Bellamy winced

"you're the whole reason they blew up in the first place!" Octavia stood up defensively

"exactly bitch so you just keep your pretty little mouth shut" Leoni pulled Octavia to sit back down

"wasn't it you who gave false information about the summit which resulted in the explosion at mount weather?" Cooper asked on a slightly unrelated note

"yes that was her- wait how did you-why is that important?" Luna questioned in confusion then everyone turned to Cooper and there was silence for a second

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