Jus Drein Jus Daun

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Hours passed and soon Leoni was once again in the room where she had first started out her career as Haiplana kom natblida

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Hours passed and soon Leoni was once again in the room where she had first started out her career as Haiplana kom natblida. However this time she wasn't in her usual attire, no, this time she looked like the kind of Queens you read about in fairytales. She wore a long red ball gown with long loose sleeves. It was tight around her waist with a large skirt and there were intricate flower designs all over. She wore her hair in a low braid, woven within the strands were red flowers alongside a small knife that her golden hair concealed . It was a weaponless affair but Leoni wasn't taking any chances. All the paint from her face had been removed, tonight was about the natblida's who would die in the conclave and she didn't want to steal the spotlight.

*see picture*

Leoni stood in front of a tall mirror that stood in front of her bed. She traced the flowers on her stomach before her fingers curled round the golden locket she still wore around her neck. She opened it carefully and looked at the picture of her mother and father.

"May we meet again" she whispered as an uneasy feeling settled in her stomach. After tonight there was no going back to the Ark. No going back to Leoni Grace Kane. She would be all in.

Soon a knock came through her door. Leoni tore her eyes away from her reflection and faced the door. "Kom op raun"

And with the girls permission Lincoln opened the door. He was dressed in a sort of green, leather, armour waistcoat.

"Wow Leoni you look-"

"nothing like myself" Leoni's voice shook slightly. She started to nervously fix her hair again.

"I was going to say you looked beautiful" Lincoln said softly walking up behind her and placing his hands on her shoulders. Leoni looked down at the floor.

"What am I doing." Leoni whispered, she put her head in her hands. She was scared- terrified. Thousands of lives would be in her hands, her's to control and rule over, her's to protect and provide for. Lincoln lifted her chin up to look at herself in the mirror. A tear had escaped her right eye and rolled down her cheek. This was the first time she'd cried since Kira's death. She hadn't dared shed one tear until now.

"I wouldn't want to be ruled by anyone else Leoni."

"But why me? I don't know what I'm doing I don't know how to do it! Any of it!"

"Kidra has prepared you-"

"Kidra was always here! I don't know what to do when she's not! What if I mess up! Hurt people! I would be even more of a curse to my bloodline than I already am. What if I'm not meant for this?" Leoni spiralled

"Leoni stop" Lincoln said sternly

"What do you mean stop" the blonde whipped around to face him

"You're overthinking it" Lincoln shrugged

"No. Tell me."

"Leoni" Lincoln sighed impatiently

"No seriously, put my overthinking to rest! Tell me definitively that I am right for this, that I'm doing the right thing! I fell from the goddamn sky, how do I do right by the people who didn't cast me aside but gave me life?! This big, generous, privileged life? Tell me!"  Lincoln was silent for a moment. Leoni's eyes flickered from one of his to the other, desperately searching for the guidance and clarity that Kidra had always led her with.

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