I have to do this

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Fast forwards 10 years Leoni Leok as she's better known is 15

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Fast forwards 10 years Leoni Leok as she's better known is 15. 15 years old and quite literally running the world.

She had spent the last 10 years living with Lincoln and his family while training in Polis with Kidra and Lexa, learning to talk the language, fight like a warrior and rule without mercy. Her hair had grown long and her blue eyes had lost the sparkle of innocence. Her long golden locks were braided down her back and her fly always played around her decorated face. Now she was 'royalty' she had a special war paint that identified her title. And then there was her emblem. the gold diamond shaped piece of metal that was placed on the centre of her forehead. her style had changed significantly, today she wore a tight black top with two, long sleeves that looped over her middle fingers and an open back so you could see the scars for every kill she'd made. she also wore a pair of high waisted black leggings that laced up at the front. she had a holster for her long silver blade and lastly boots she could slip blades down at the side. she also wore her locket around her neck and no one was to question it. Leoni didn't talk about life on the ark she wasn't too sure if it was even real anymore. It felt like an only specific dream.

Today was an extremely important day. The day of the conclave. Since Kidra had passed, the natblida were now to battle one another, this is how they would see who Kidra's soul would chose as her successor meaning even Lexa would have to fight to become Heda. As for Leoni, with Kidra's death and her age, she was to move into Polis and take her place as queen of the nightbloods, ruling beside the new Heda and flamekeepa of the 12 clans.

"Leok come! It's time to go" Lincoln shouted from outside the discreet cave they shared. He had her horse in hand eager to get to Polis before nightfall

"I'm coming I'm coming chill!" Leoni replied packing the last of her stuff into a box before picking it up and making her way outside to Lincoln

"What's with the English Haplaina?" He asked, handing her the reigns and taking the box from her

"Sense of home" Leoni smirked.

She jumped on her horse. He was a dark black and she had decorated him with red patterns on his face. Leoni had found fear was the best way to get what she wanted so she made sure to choose the most daunting horse. She had named him Fyucha which directly translated into baby. She found the contrast between fear and innocence funny. Today the horse was lugging a wooden trailer to carry her boxes of possessions and Lincoln who had become a brother to the girl. Despite the convenience, Leoni insisted on riding Fyucha.

The pair set off on the journey. Leoni didn't look back at the cave she and Lincoln had spent the past 3 years living in. Emotion was Pain and pain was weakness. That's what she was taught that's how she lived.

"Are you scared?" Lincoln asked looking up at the blonde who rode with ease, bouncing only slightly and with perfect posture.

"Now look who's using English" Leoni laughed sending a quick grin back to Lincoln who drew delicately in his book before turning back around to face the road ahead.

"What can I say Leok you're rubbing off on me" Lincoln shrugged

Suddenly the grin vanished and Leoni tensed up at the name he had called her. The blonde's crystal blue eyes flickered in front of her.


"What?" Lincoln asked confused

"Please call me Leoni"


"Leok is the name given to me and I am grateful for I but if my own brother doesn't call me by my true name no one will and then...well then there will be no more Leoni, just Leok. I wouldn't like that" the girl stated calmly her eyes not daring to move behind to Lincoln

"So you are scared" he observed

"I never said that" Leoni defended quickly. Lincoln looked down to his sketch book and noticed how tense his friend appeared even in paper form. he closed the book and climbed to the side of the trailer that was closest to Leoni.

"Leoni. You don't have to do this" he said gently

"Yes I do. Ai laik haiplana kom natblida... and no queen turns her back on her people. I won't, not when everything I am and everything I have is because of them. These are my people and they need me. I have to do this." Leoni spoke as though she was reciting a poem which she kind of was. She couldn't count the amount of times Kidra had lectured similar words.

With that speech Lincoln didn't push the subject any further. He knew how intense the previous commander had been, he knew there was no changing Leoni's mind

"Don't forget me though" Lincoln said, slouching into a corner with his book once more.

"How could I forget you when I have a gash in my arm from your vey own spear" Leoni was thankful for the sudden lightening of the subject

"Boohoo! I gave that to you like 3 years ago, you just refuse to let it go" Lincoln snorted

"Still hurts" Leoni fake pouted

"Kwelen" the boy muttered

"Excuse you did you just call your oh precious Queen weak?" Leoni mocked, pretending to be hurt

"What you gonna do? Chop my head off"

"Nah...I don't need your ugly ass haunting me" Leoni shot a quick smirk towards Lincoln as his jaw dropped

"Harsh ai haiplana. Harsh" Lincoln laughed

Leoni chuckled to herself and continued to ride.

4 hours passed before Leoni and Lincoln made it to Polis...

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