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When Leoni awoke a few hours later she was instantly hit with a wave of emptiness

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When Leoni awoke a few hours later she was instantly hit with a wave of emptiness. She didn't want to breath let alone stand. But she had a war to fight and a boyfriend to forget. She pushed herself up from the bed and found a note on the bedside table

'Octavia's sick, come find us in the Med bay when you wake up'

What?! Leoni brushed aside all her symptoms and sprung to her feet. The bad phase hadn't quite hit...yet. She rushed to the door and twisted the knob but it didn't open. Dread flooded through her. No! Not again! She rattled the door and banged her hand

"Hello? Hello? I'm stuck-I'm locked in!" Leoni called as she banged on the door
"MADDIE?" she shouted, desperate to be with her best friend
"HEY SOMEONE HELP ME" Leoni shouted as she pounded on the door.
"LUNA ARE YOU THERE?" she banged her fists so hard that her skin split and she started to bleed
"HEYYYYYY" Leoni screamed as she banged on the door. Suddenly footsteps could be heard running down the corridor, the lock turned and the door swung open to reveal Nathan Miller

"Heda?!" He looked utterly gobsmacked at the fact she was there considering she was in her own room

"Why am I locked in here? How's Octavia? Where's Maddie? Where's Luna?" Leoni fired one question after the other rapidly and was only stopped when Miller placed his hands on her shoulders and Leoni realised the tears glistening in his eyes

"Heda, Indra told us you were sick- on your death bed" Miller ran his eyes over her in thankful surprise

"I'm not sick- what's going on?" Leoni asked frustratedly

"Indra was trying to convince us to negotiate with Diyoza, I tried to stop it but now everyone's fighting with each other" Miller explained
"You need to come now or we'll kill each other before we even get to march" Miller pulled her wrist and started to drag her down

"Give me your gun" Leoni demanded and pulled the man's pistol from his holster. She hadn't had a chance to rifle through her jacket which contained her own gun. She stormed into the fighting pit which was bustling with angry shouts, fighting, diversion and fired three ear ringing shots at the roof making the entire room go dead silent
"I am your commander and I am most certainly not on my deathbed" Leoni boomed and the whole room faced her
"Has your loyalty to me differed! Strayed? Been misplaced?" Leoni asked and instead of an answer the entire room fell to their knees bowing to their commander
"Hmm That's what I thought. So why are you all callously ignoring my war! go and continue your preparations we leave at first light. GON WONKRU" Leoni shouted the last bit with a fist in the air and received a collective battle cry from her subjects in return before they all hurried away to continue getting ready. Indie and Luna made their way through the crowd and towards Leoni and Miller

"my baby" Luna breathed before jumping into Leoni's arms, burying her head into the girl's shoulder
"they wouldn't let me in, Indra's guards they wouldn't let me in" Luna explained as if she needed to but Leoni just held her sister. since the girl's survival Leoni valued every second she had with her Luna.

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