I'm touched

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"Delano!" Leoni called towards the grounder wearing Clarke's watch around his neck like some Louis Vuitton collectors item

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"Delano!" Leoni called towards the grounder wearing Clarke's watch around his neck like some Louis Vuitton collectors item

"Haiplana!" the man looked at her in shock, dropping to his knees as if she was some sort of legend no one quite knew was real or not
"Heda has been searching everywhere for you!" he told the girl as calmly as he could muster although it wasn't very calm

"she has?" Leoni asked, confidence faltering as she thought of her friend

"there's a reward for whoever gets you back" he answered as he rose from his knees

"i will let you escort me back and claim the reward...if you tell me where you got your newest fashion piece?" Leoni asked eyebrow raised as she gestured to the watch

"i found it during the battle" he answered with a sense of pride

"did you kill the girl who own it?" she asked, head held high showing no emotion

"how did-" the man started to question

"the girl who owns that watch is of great importance to me...so i'll ask you again Delano" she raised a dagger to his throat
"where did you get it" the man raised his hands in surrender

"i swear to you Haiplana Leok! i found I didn't know there was a girl !" he started to take it off
"you may have it if you desire!" he held out the watch for her to take but she refused it as she lowered the dagger. The watch was of no importance to her and neither was Clarke! Delano would quite likely get a good price for it on the market she figured it was better with him than an ungrateful blonde she didn't particularly like. Little did she know!

"fine...but if i find you're lying to me you will be held accountable" Leoni sneered before walking further into the village, checking houses and sheds for the kids until she came upon one house in particular. It was rather run down in comparison to the others in Tondc. The girl went in looking for anyone being held hostage but was instead welcomed to the sound of coughing she looked to see a woman on the bed with a baby, she was coughing up blood and without a second doubt Leoni rushed to her side, dropping to her knees beside the woman

"Haiplana Leok!" The woman greeted suddenly as she was startled by the girls sudden appearance

"what is your name?" Leoni asked softly

"Hyma" she answered in admiration of the young Queen

"and your baby?"

"oh well...her name is Leo...after you Haiplana." Hyma's voice became quiet in embarrassment

"i'm touched" Leoni smiled then the woman started to cough again making the baby wake up from her sleep and begin to cry
"here" Leoni pulled the woman up to sit and took the baby out of her arms, she cradled Leo in one arm. She could barely be 2. months! Leoni patted the woman's back, helping her back up everything in her throat with the other hand. Leoni had now risen up to sit on the bed beside Hyma

"our healer tells me i don't have long" the woman wheezed between coughs
"a poison i picked up while hunting they suspect" she explained. Leoni's heart ached for Hyma and her baby

"is there anyone looking after you Hyma?" Leoni asked cautiously

"my husband passed away" she shook her head
"it is only me and Leo now"

"we need to get you to Polis! get you some help"

"you are kind Leok. a pure heart but i won't take more than my share. i am being treated well here by my people, they will look after Leo once i am gone. this is my fate" the woman smiled weakly at her

"may i at least show you a way to extend your life as long as Becca will allow?" Leoni rocked the baby back to sleep in her arm

"yes, Haiplana i would be forever in your debt!" Hyma nodded eagerly

"here" Leoni pulled out some leaves from her pocket.
"put these in a tea after every coughing fit, they will ease your pain" the girl nodded at the woman, placing the plant in her hand

"thank you Leok truly!" the woman cried

"if you or Leo need anything, anything at all, send for me." Leoni hugged the woman before passing her back the baby.

"thank you Haiplana" Hyma whispered

"of course" Leoni smiled before walking back out the house only to be met with two tall men dressed head to two in leaves

"Haiplana. we are here to escort you to Heda" one man said in a gruff tone

"I-" Leoni began to protest

"we have your horse for you to ride Heda needs you immediately" the man cut her off

"of course" Leoni spat not bothering to hide her displeasure before jumping on Fyucha and began riding out of the village, she searched the trees for Bellamy but couldn't find him, she prayed she would see him soon but until then, back to Tondc.

"Lexa has been worried sick Leok" a guard said to her after some time of riding

"that's Heda to you." Leoni growled indicating that the rest of the ride was better spent in silence. riding into the place she called home filled here with an overwhelming sense of relief, her father was alive and she'd managed to keep Lexa through it all as well. arriving at her commander's chambers Leoni sheepishly knocked on the wall

"come in- Leok!" Lexa's face flooded with relief and slight surprise as she wrapped the girl in a hug, something that grounders didn't often do

"i'm sorry-"

"doesn't matter, you're home now! it's been a nightmare with the clans since the fight especially without you to scare them" Lexa smiled at the girl, running her eyes up and down her checking for injuries
"your leg what happened?" Lexa reached down to feel the blood soaked patch on her leggings

"yeah we have a lot to catch up on Heda" Leoni sighed

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