They told me you were dead

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Leoni whipped around at the sound of her name to see her father at the front of a group of Ark members

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Leoni whipped around at the sound of her name to see her father at the front of a group of Ark members. she couldn't move due to pure shock. after so many years there he was. after being told the man was dead there he was, although older he still looked like the man Leoni had left on the Ark.

"Dad" she whispered, tears springing to her eyes, she felt like the same 5 year old her father had sent to the ground

"you made it!" Kane smiled rushing towards the girl and wrapped her in a right hug he buried her head into his chest as stroked her hair, kissing her on the head strongly, petrified if he let her go she'd disappear once more
"i missed you so much" he whispered into her ear. it took Leoni a few seconds of realisation to hug her father back

"they told me you were dead" Leoni shook her head in utter disbelief

"don't  worry about that i'm here now" he held Leoni at arms length taking everything about her
"what are you wearing?" his face suddenly dropped as he saw the paint and blood on her face, the way her hair was braided and her clothes

"we have alot  to catch up on Dad" Leoni laughed lightly blinking away her tears as Marcus thumbed her cheek

"my sweet girl you got so big" he smiled

"we have more important matters at hand, we have to go see how many people are still alive at the drop ship" Leoni brushed off the love she hadn't felt in so long

"is Clarke alive?" Abby Griffin asked in fear. Leoni's eyes traveled over to her landing on her features slowly.

"You-" Leoni recognised the woman quick as a flash

"Councillor Kane" Abby greeted from the door of their room. there was a guard at either side of the woman.

"what is the meaning of this" Marcus stood up from where he was sitting walking towards the woman. Grace stayed where she was sitting, placing both feet over the tile that hid her daughter. Leoni was the spitting image of her mother, long golden locks and bright blue eyes with a beautiful smile that could light up any room.

"Relax we're not here for you Marcus we're here for your wife"  Abby told the man sternly
Grace arose from her seat and went to stand beside her husband

"Abby!" Grace greeted with a warm smile. she loved Abby the two were great friends. Marcus put an arm around Grace and Grace leaned into Marcus

"Kane you should stand aside" Abby lowered her head looking to the ground while gulping down her guilt, it was then Axon walked in the door.

"Councillor Griffin" he greeted confused as he walked past them into the room. Axon sent a quick glance to his Mother which she returned signalling that Leoni was safe under the floor. what they didn't know was that she had been listening to everything that had been said.
"Mum...Dad...what's going on?" Axon asked, taking a place beside Grace

"Grace Kane. I hereby place your under arrest for theft of rations"  Abby held her head high desperately trying to hold back her tears.
"The punishment of death" Abby blinked letting a single tear roll down her cheek.

"W-what?" Grace stuttered her smile falling

"No! no way you can't do this" Marcus protested

"you know the law as well as i do councillor" Abby answered as one of the guards handcuffed a crying Grace

"no no no you don't under you can't please PLEASE ABBY YOU CANT DO THIS I HAVE A FAMILY" Grace struggled against the guards desperately trying to free herself

"Mum...MUM MUM NO!" Axon shouted. he tried to run towards his mother but the other guard held him back

"Abby please! she's your best friend you have to-" Kane protested

"you know the law!" Abby repeated sternly

"PLEASE PLeaseeee ABBY i have childr- a child I AM A MOTHER pleaseeee" Grace cried hysterically still struggling against the guard

"Abby! Come on it's one ration" Marcus continued

"please Abbyyyyyy" Grace cried

"She's my Mother!" Axon called, protesting still

"take her away" Abby ordered and the two guards pulled the struggling Grace out of the door Kane and Axon following as they shouted and cried in protestation and fear. Grace never came back that night. gone.

Bellamy was quick to wrap his arms around Leoni's waist holding the girl back, she was strong and it was hard for him to keep a grasp of her
"I'LL KILL YOU GRIFFIN" Leoni screamed. Marcus took a step back in slight fear of his daughter
"JUS DREIN JUS DAUN" she fought against Bellamy harder

"Leoni! Stop!" Bellamy pleaded sternly

"SHE IS A MURDERER! GRACE WAS MY MOTHER YOU MURDERED HER IN COLD BLOOD" Leoni screamed at the top of her lungs. Bellamy pulled her tighter but it was no use, ducking down out of his arms Leoni leaped towards the woman tackling her to the ground. ignoring the searing pain in her leg. Abby looked at the girl petrified
"you murdered my mother" she sneered, punching her across the face
"she trusted you!" another punch
"and you murdered her regardless" Leoni swiped her blade pushing it up against Abby's neck

"I-I" Abby stuttered her hands up in surrender

"don't stutter you floated her YOU FLOATED HER YOU BI-" but before Leoni could slit her throat she was being pulled off the woman by Marcus, Finn and Bellamy
"YOU CANT HIDE GRIFFIN I WILL KILL YOU! YOU WILL DIE!" she screamed like a maniac! Marcus came in front of her

"hey hey hey Leoni! stop it! it's ok!" he calmed her down as she fought against the teenagers and her Dad

"SHE SHE- SHe killed her! why are you so calm Mum is dead!" Leoni asked, calming down

"and so is her husband! Clarke's Dad is dead! you're justice was served let her be" he stated calmly as Leoni's breathing slowed and her tough exterior returned

"good" she glared at the woman.
"feel my pain." she shrugged off the boys as they began to relax on her
"the drop ship is this way" she sneered before storming in front walking towards the camp even with her limp sending shivers of fear down every persons spine.

So Leoni went a lil but crazy... I had fun doing this  lol

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