May we meet again

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Leoni Kane was never fond of rules. 

She was quite literally born against the law. 

Leoni Kane is one of 2, the younger sister to her older brother Axon Kane. You will have heard the stories of Octavia Blake hiding under the floor and her heroic journey to the ground where she was reunited with her brother but you won't have heard of Leoni Kane. Her story is a whole different mess!

 Leoni was born in the same year as the delinquents who were sent to die and managed to not only survive but live. After Leoni was born she was... guess? Hidden under the floor! Super original right? However this wasn't a sustainable plan. Not for a girl who had Marcus Kane as a father. Now he? He had always been fond of rules, even when it came to his, let's face it, illegal daughter.

 Leoni was hid under the floor for 5 years. Hardly an achievement compared to the Blake siblings but none the less there she was surviving on stolen rations her mother sourced, of course this wasn't sustainable either and as a result of her crimes Grace Kane was floated just days after Leoni turned 2. 

Heaven forbid you go for seconds on the Ark.

 At the age of 3 Leoni started learning to read and write and at 4 it was discovered that she, Leoni Kane had black blood. Her father and brother thought nothing of it until she turned 5. Axon was an engineer and for the past 7 years he had been working on a ship. A drop ship. He knew as well as his father that Leoni couldn't stay so with the discovery of black blood it was decided that she would have a fighting chance against any remaining radiation on the ground. On earth. But plot twist! Axon was floated the second chancellor Jaha caught wind of the drop ship. Lets begin our story there shall we?


Marcus Kane sat at the edge of his small bed with his head in his hands as Leoni slept. It was just coming up to 12:00am and it had been mere hours since his son was floated. He knew he had to get Leoni to the drop ship if he wanted to give her even the slightest chance of survival, the only thing stopping Marcus was the fact he was about to lose his second and last child with no idea if his efforts would even be successful! 12:05 came round the corner as Marcus stood up wiping loose tears from his cheeks.

"Right Leoni, time to go!" Marcus shook his daughter gently, his voice stern

"Are we finally going on holiday?" Young innocent Leoni mumbled excitedly while rubbing her eyes. Marcus smiled through his shattering heart.

He had told his daughter it was a holiday. They were going on vacation. He didn't actually know what a vacation was, he'd only read about it.

"Yes" Marcus said shakily

"we're going on holiday"

Marcus had Leoni wrapped up in a blanket and bundled in his arms as he crept towards where Axon had left the ship. He'd hidden it well so Jaha couldn't find and destroy it for at least a few hours. Marcus opened the rocket doors and placed his youngest in the single seat.

"ok my love you're ok" Marcus mumbled reassuringly but the only one who needed reassuring was himself. he strapped Leoni in firmly and checked the belts thoroughly as she blabbed

"is this a car? it doesn't look like a car- are we on a train Daddy?" Leoni asked with her eyes wide and inspired, looking over all the different buttons and switches with awe

"no darling this is a space ship" Marcus said kindly while setting up the ship. Axon had left exact instructions on what to do so the job was done to perfection.

"Ok Leoni look at me, it's really important that you listen to what i say, do you understand?"

Leoni looked towards her father nodding her head. Her blue eyes glistened and her gorgeous blonde curls bounced. Marcus took in every detail of her in the hopes he would be able to recognise her some day when he returned to the ground.

"Leoni to get to the ground it will take 30 minutes, how many?"

"30 minutes" Leoni repeated

Marcus found making his daughter repeat things was the best way for her to remember them

"Until you feel the ship hit the ground and you can see out the window you do not touch anything. Not a single button. What have you not to do?"

"I've not to touch a single button"

"Good. Once you land you press this big green button right here" Kane pointed to it

 "what big button?"

"The big green one" Leoni nodded pointing at the button

"And when do you press it?"

"When I land."

"That's my baby." Marcus kneeled down in front of his daughter gazing into her blue eyes with his brown ones.

"I love you so much Leoni"

"I love you too Daddy"

"May we meet again"

Leoni looked confused

"Aren't you coming Daddy?"

"Soon baby I need to finish some work first" Marcus smiled through his tears. He leaned over and kissed her on the head, holding her tightly.

"Be strong my love"

And with that Marcus Kane stepped out and closed the shuttle door. next his hand curled around a cold, steel lever. he began to cry uncontrollably. what was he doing? this was insane! but then again so was deciding to keep Leoni in the first place

"May we meet again" Marcus whispered breathlessly before pulling the lever and launching his daughter out into space and hopefully to the ground. Then the alarms started going off. This was expected, Marcus had a plan. He ran towards Jaha's dorm as protocol suggested in a situation like this. an alarm protocol, not an illegal shuttle launch

"Marcus what is going on?" Jaha demanded with a stern frown and a frustrated tone. Marcus could hear the sounds of a football match coming from Jaha's room. for a second he wonders what would happen if it had been Abby with a 2nd child after Clarke. what would she have done

"I don't know sir I think a ship just left" Marcus said distractedly

"well that much was obvious, the question is who was in it?" Jaha snapped.

"I have no idea sir. We'll do a head count and a room search" Marcus came back to his senses

"the perpetrator has probably left on your son's ship. good riddance" Jaha spat poisonously and it took everything in Marcus Kane not to react

instead he played dumb while silently praying he would see his daughter one day again. somewhere far away from the ark and it's horrors 

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