more steroids than the Olympics have ever seen

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Leoni, Octavia and Indra are in the Reaper tunnels following the map Lincoln had drawn

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Leoni, Octavia and Indra are in the Reaper tunnels following the map Lincoln had drawn.

"This is bullshit he should be here!" Leoni groaned turing the map upside down trying to work it out. She hadn't exactly payed attention to that lesson.

"I agree! He worked so hard and he doesn't even get to be here for the take down!" Octavia agreed sadly

"He's not ready to be in these tunnels yet" Indra told the girls solemnly

"You're a sweetheart when you want to be Indra" Leoni sighed venturing further into the tunnels

"It meant a lot to me that you forgave him" Octavia admitted to Indra

"He deserved it" The woman nodded assertively

"Damn right! The kid was on more steroids than the Olympics have ever seen!" Leoni said. Indra and Octavia just looked at the girl not knowing what she was talking about
"Bit of a history buff" she shrugged and before anyone could reply the Reapers came out of no where and the Ark guards started to shoot

"STOP STOP!" Indra and Octavia commanded

"They're not the enemy!" Octavia told them and then Jackson played the tone generator causing the Reapers to fall down like skittles. The group continued walking once they were sure all the reapers were taken out. Leoni shook one of the fallen men with her foot making sure they really were passed out and not readying some sort of surprise attack

"Well that was easy!" She shrugged sending an appreciative smile to Jackson
"They should really get a grip on that kinda too easy" she said mostly to herself but earned a look of displeasure from her team anyway
"Am I wrong though?" She held her hands up in question. They all continued walking
"You know I feel like with the right colour scheme this place could be kinda nice" Leoni said

"Can you please stop talking!" Octavia whined at Leoni's comstant chatter

"I'm nervous!" The blonde defended

"We're all nervous!" Octavia snapped and then bumped into the frozen Indra

"We made it!" The mentor breathed

"The intake door!" Octavia observed in pride. Leoni placed a hand on the girl's shoulder

"You did well Octavia" Indra nodded impressed

"You're a grounder now kid" Leoni grinned but before any more words could be shared the retreat horn came bouncing off the walls
"You've got to be shitting me Lex" she whispered in annoyance

"We need to go!" Indra commanded grabbing Leoni's arm but the warrior didn't move

"No! I don't trust Lexa" Octavia refused to leave

"It's not a matter of trust this is an order!" Indra snarled

"I'm not leaving without my brother" Octavia was stuck on her decision

"Yeahhhh and I'm not gonna leave her so..." Leoni spoke up

"Octavia can be foolish and stay if she likes but you Leok have responsibilities and people to stay alive for!"

"And said people are in there"

"No! They are skaikru you are trikru! Come!" Indra tugged the girl but Leoni pulled out of the woman's grip

"Tell Lexa I'll be home for dinner" Leoni snapped eyes narrowing. Octavia looked at her friend in awe. She couldn't believe Leoni would go against her people like that


"Stay or go Indra but don't hesitate" Leoni snapped and Indra left with a scoff

"Come home with us!" Jackson spoke up after Indra had left

"I am home" Octavia replied gesturing to Leoni who sent her a bashful smile

"Keep walking GI Joe" leoni shooed leaving just her and Octavia. the Blake sibling looked at her mentor as if to say what now
"We give it our all until there's nothing left to give. That's how we win the wars. That's how we do right by the people we love." Leoni quoted Lincoln
"retreating is for fighters not warriors" she winked Octavia responded with a nod as she flooded with hope. The two of them looked towards the intake door more carefully as they waited for Bellamy to open it.

"This whole thing is crazy isn't it!" Octavia started while she ran her fingers over the stone walls
"While our ancestors blasted off into Space these guys built a whole damn shelter and then there's the 12 clans who just survived! Could you imagine how different our lives would be if we'd all stayed in the ground?"

"Very very different!" Leoni agreed and then an alarm started to go off

"What's that!" Octavia drew her blade in panic

"I don't know" Leoni backed off from the door following suit and taking out her blade as well. However instead of the fight they were preparing for a body came falling down a chute and into a nearby cart. The two sky people gone grounders shared a look before walking carefully towards the cart to see Fox's lifeless body
"The bone marrow transplants are killing them" Leoni observed sadly

"Fox" Octavia breathed in grief

"Yu gonplei ste odon" Leoni said quietly. Just then Clarke came running in with 2 grounders behind her than Leoni recognised as Lexa's guards
"Shit" she whispered looking around for a way out

"Lexa and her army are gone, these guys are here for Leoni" Clarke told the girls gravely

"no no no no" Leoni held her hands up but the two men didn't stop advancing

"We are under direct orders Haiplana" one of them said gruffly before they both grabbed her arms and started to pull them. Leoni tried to pull away by digging her heels into the ground but she wasn't having too much luck

"We're close I promise just 5 minutes" she pleaded but her words meant nothing against Heda's. One of the men turned her around and twisted her arms behind her back
"Ok ow!" She scoffed

"Don't touch her!" Octavia called out attempting to fight the guards

"Octavia don't" Clarke said softly holding Octavia back. Leoni sent the other blonde a look of hurt with Clarke only responded to with a guilty shake of her head

"GET OFF OF ME" Leoni shouted aggressively as she desperately tried to wriggle out if the guard's grasp but it really was no use.
"God I make good warriors" Leoni cursed herself. She was pulled further away and the last thing she saw was the door swinging open and Bellamy's face appearing. He instantly caught her eye as she was pulled away
"BELLAMY!" she screamed in relief more than anything else. She struggled against the guards even more and they struggled to keep a hold of her
"Let me go please I promise I'll come back" she begged desperately trying to get to Bellamy
"He's my person! Just let me say hello"

"Heda says to bring you back"

"LEONI!" Bellamy shouted back and she could her him and others sprinting towards her

"Heda doesn't know they escaped please!"


"I'M OK I'M OK" Leoni assured still struggling against the guards but it was too late the grounders had her out of the tunnel and shoved towards the army where she would easily get lost.

"DON'T WORRY WE'RE GONNA BE FINE" was the last thing Leoni heard from Bellamy

"He's alive" Leoni laughed lightly as she relaxed into the guards armed when she accepted it was too late
"He's alive" she shut her eyes and reviled in the feeling.

So close yet so far!
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