Why? She got a death wish

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"hey" she greeted sheepishly

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"hey" she greeted sheepishly. Marcus whipped around at the sound of his daughters voice, rising to his feet quickly

"hi" he replied, eyes widened as he took her in as if sketching an image of her into his mind in fear she would disappear once again.

"em...i'm really sorry about Finn" Leoni treaded carefully with every word that left her mouth

"we all are" he nodded pulling a tight lipped smile

"look i'm sure your tired so i'm just gonna cut to the chase" Leoni met her fathers gaze and took a deep breath
"the scars on my back represent every life i have ever taken" she turned around and moved her hair out of the way revealing her new scars as well as the ones Kane had pointed out
"to explain every single one would take far too long but you should know i remember ever single one of them. every kill i have ever made has been to protect and or avenge my people every life I have snatched away  has been justified i do not kill in cold blood. this is the way our Coalition works and if that makes you look at me differently then that's your problem because i'm still me! i'm still Leoni Kane and the marks do not define me and neither does my mass killing which I'm sure you've heard about by now " Leoni finished. She bit her cheek in anticipation as her father nodded along as if catching up to what she had said. He looked at her sympathetically

"I have always believed that sending you to the ground was in your best interests" Kane started slowly
"It seems as though I was wrong" he sighed making Leoni's heart sink. He hated her.
"Because I would never have sent you down in a hundred years if I knew this is what you would become" Leoni looked to the ground biting her lip. Usually comments like this would hardly phase her, she'd just snap back with a sarcastic comment but coming from her father, the one person who was meant to love her unconditionally, it hurt.
"I'm sorry" he whispered through a breaking voice and teary eyes then before Leoni knew what was happening he wrapped her in a huge hug, clutching her head to his chest.
"I never should have let you go" he kissed her head softly. Leoni pulled away in confusion

"So you're not mad at me..."

"No. I'm just relived you finally told me and I'm mad at myself for letting you become this person. But don't worry my sweet girl! We'll help you become the girl you once were" he smiled tucking a fly away strand of hair behind the girl's ear. Leoni took a step back shaking her head

"I murdered 200 people and you don't care?" The blonde almost wanted her father to be mad! To scream and shout at her! She wanted a normal reaction!

"Of course I care but it's not you! It's the killing machine they made you! We'll bring you back Leoni I promise!"

"I'm happy with who I am. I've become strong and powerful and respected Dad! I think you got the wrong idea I came to own up to my past not run away from it...I'm not changing who I am I was just giving you the truth" Leoni laughed at the very idea of it

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