Huh bitch

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"Jordan!" Leoni shouted angrily, yanking the doors open and walking with a purpose as the cool night breeze once again hit her exposed skin"Jordan?" Leoni looked down to see the boy passed out on a makeshift bed

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"Jordan!" Leoni shouted angrily, yanking the doors open and walking with a purpose as the cool night breeze once again hit her exposed skin
"Jordan?" Leoni looked down to see the boy passed out on a makeshift bed. She knelt down beside him and shook the boy gently, waking him up.
"Jordan get up!" She shouted loudly and slapped him across the face making him jolt fully awake

"Delilah?" He asked frantically

"What happened? Why are you out here?" Leoni pressed on her questions

"Delilah!" Jordan repeated, looking around desperately

"what's going on?" Clarke called as she swung round onto the balcony, taking in the scene

"Where is she! What did you do to her!" The guard roared as he pulled Jordan up by the neck

"no no wait he's hurt" Clarke protested, running closer and trying to help

"Put him down" Leoni ordered sternly, holding her dagger to his neck. He looked down at it shakily before letting Jordan go

"where is Delilah" the guard demanded angrily although not as aggressively as before seeing as he was in the presence of death herself

"th-the- there" Jordan breathed weakly as he collapsed onto Leoni but not before pointing down in the city towards a dark clothed man running away with Delilah in his arms

"hey you! get back here!" the guard shouted but changed his mind when he realised the kidnapper wasn't going to stop. he turned to Leoni who held Jordan tight
"the children of gabriel are in sanctum. they'll use the night harvest to try and get Delilah out. you have to follow me, please!" the man started to leave hurridley.

"go go go" the commander pushed Clarke to follow the guard. Leoni laid Jordan down and made sure he was ok quickly and rushed after them, holding her dress up from her feet so she didn't fall. they all ran out into a large crop field searching for the kidnapper. Leoni didn't know why she was helping she just was. she sprinted further and further away  from the bustling town and towards the radiation field trying to find the 'child of gabriel'

"Russel is out of the palace i must warn him, keep looking!" the guard told Leoni before running back towards Sanctum

"ok then" Leoni muttered to herself before taking off again.

"let's split up, shout of you see anything" Clarke said before running in the other direction. Leoni ran through groups of dancing woman and weaved in and out of tall plants
"hey! you! stop!" Clarke shouted in the distance
"Leoni i got him!" she called out. Leoni didn't hesitate to sprint in the opposite direction towards where Clarke was now in a full on knife fight with the mystery kidnapper man but Leoni was the only one allowed to fight with her sister's love

"you really think so huh bitch" Leoni growled before sending her dagger through the air so it sliced his ear off making him let go of Clarke and stumble back. Leoni then swiftly squatted down, spun around with her leg out, tripping the man up and placed her knee on his neck. he thrashed about at first, reaching up with his own dagger and managing to graze the side of her neck. Leoni didn't hesitate to snatch the dagger and throw it away before standing up and replacing her knee with her foot, pushing it  further onto him ready to kill if he dared to make another move
"hey you ok?" Leoni turned her head around to Clarke who was catching her breath hurriedly

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