She knows

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Leoni burst into the room that was supposed to contain the Ice Nation King only to find Roan's second

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Leoni burst into the room that was supposed to contain the Ice Nation King only to find Roan's second. a young girl, maybe 14?
"where's the king?" Leoni asked in unbelievable annoyance

"unconscious Heda" the girl told her quickly. At least she knew who was in charge

"and who's treating him?" Leoni asked blinking hard as she came to grips with the stupidity

"our healer is dead..."

"and skaikru are banned! Of course they are why wouldn't they be!" Leoni finished biting her cheek it thought. she looked out the window thinking before looking back at the girl. she looked her up and down
"Pari. are you any good with a bow and arrow?" she asked totally off topic

"i guess" Pari shrugged confused. Leoni nodded as if I'm deep thought

"hmm" She mused
"if you guess...then go get your ass training and bring me a definitive answer" Leoni snapped before walking out to find Clarke and Abby. She needed Roan alive! Just like she'd said from the start her Coalition was made up of nothing but alliances she needed them to stick now more than ever. She walked out on to the streets people bowing as she walked, more and more pledging their loyalty as word spread of the infamous Haiplana Kom Natblida becoming Heda. Leoni trudged through the increasing crowds right up to Clarke

"hey Leoni-" Clarke greeted with a small smiled but Leoni wasn't up for small talk

"where's your mum?" Leoni asked bluntly, grabbing Clarke's wrist and dragging her along on her journey

"she's here" Clarke grabbed her mother so the three were in a chain, confused

"Roan's shot and isn't being treated, i need him alive to keep his people in check which right now- HEY YOU! NO DROP THAT!- you see! that's why i need him! come on" Leoni let go of Clarke as she shouted an an Azgeda boy trying to fight someone with a fallen axe then gestured for the two to follow her into the tunnels and through the secret entrance to where Roan was- let's face it, dying! He was laid down on a makeshift bed groaning in pain as the bullet further deteriorated his survival status
"there he is fix him" Leoni nodded. Clarke and Abby began to asses the situation a little overwhelmed while Roan took in the scene above him with wide eyes

"No! Azgeda wants nothing to do with Skaikru" Roan tried to protest

"Azgeda also just lost some of their best warriors because they tried to defy their commander. I need you alive to lead your people out of the darkness that is stupidity and Skaikru are the only way to ensure I get what I want which let's face it I always do so put your petty grudges aside and let them save your life! Sound good? Good!" and with that rapid monologue Leoni walked away leaving the doctors to it. Leoni walked into the throne room rubbing her temple, where 3 maids stood ready to attend to her every need

"the room please" Leoni asked tiredly placing her hands on her hips and looking to the ceiling as everyone left. she let out a long breath of stress before looking at Lexa's throne that now belonged to her in front. she sat down on the stone floor staring at the throne. she threw her legs out in front of her breathing heavily as her anger grew and then it happened. she burst into giggles, a full on fit of laughter
"you'll never guess what i did Lex" Leoni laughed as she talked to the throne as though it was her best friend
"i kept the flame!" she leaned forward laughing
"like full on! i'm the freaking commander" she slapped her thigh trying to catch her breath like some sort of psychopath
"i've been called Heda like 7 times today and look this is the best bit" Leoni pointed to the throne before sounding two loud claps and a maid rushed in with a glass of scotch and gave it to her before rushing back out closing the door behind her
"scotch!" Leoni toasted towards the chair
"as much as i like" Leoni laughed before downing it
"i mean my limit is 4 you made sure of that" Leoni rolled her eyes and placed the glass back down
"Honestly Lexa..." Leoni started more seriously
"I don't know how to do this without you standing beside me. I know you're in the flame but I'd so much rather you were here holding my hand." She admitted teary eyed before standing up
"You hear that?" She asked the empty throne
"That's the sound of 3 angry warriors! Welcome to your life...and enjoy seeing Clarke" Leoni smirked before going to sit in the throne. She knew how Clarke walked! The flame let her know that which means Lexa must've known that. just then the doors to the throne room were pushed open again this time Echo, Roan and Clarke came through them
"Roan! you're alive" Leoni gave a sugar coated smile

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