Clarke are you high

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When Leoni awoke the next day there was only one thing on her mind. well that's a lie there was a million things on her mind but the one that was highlighted and typed out in bold was finding Octavia Blake. she had to find Octavia. She sprung out of bed and rummaged through drawers and cupboards, ripping off her dress and pulling on other things until she was satisfied with her outfit.

 She sprung out of bed and rummaged through drawers and cupboards, ripping off her dress and pulling on other things until she was satisfied with her outfit

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She wore a pitch black top and a pair trousers along side a slick ponytail and her knee high boots

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She wore a pitch black top and a pair trousers along side a slick ponytail and her knee high boots. She stuck her Heda pendant back on her head and placed Luna's conclave tag around her neck so it hung on her chest while she tucked her locket under her collar and out of sight.  She smeared on her war paint for the first time in too long then pulled on her black fingerless gloves before sliding a blade down her belt on the right side while she stuck a gun down the other. She stuffed daggers into different pockets of her combats and down her boot she placed Kidra's dagger. She went to take off her engagement ring but paused. Her thumb ran over the glistening rock on her finger delicately. She still loved him. Always had always would. Instead she left it where it sat proudly on her hand. Now that she was fighting ready she started down the stairs once again. Clarke and Murphy sat at a table while Echo Raven and Emori joined them

"Heda! you're just in time, family meeting" Echo called her over. Leoni sat down on a chair at the head of the table opposite Clarke and began sharpening her blade with a rock only half listening to the discussion

"where's Bellamy?" Leoni asked absent mindedly

"em....i don't know- is everything ok?" Clarke changed the subject quickly, running her eyes up and down Leoni, taking in the girl's appearance

"we ran into Jordan. is he telling the truth? they're immortal?" Emori asked urgently and slightly impressed

"he probably made it sound worse than it is" Murphy scoffed

"the Primes murder people and steal their body's to selfishly bring back their dead kids who have lived on and off for hundreds of years if he made it sound worse than that then he's one hell of a story teller" Leoni sighed without looking up

"we're getting the hell out of here" Shaw decided and stood up, grabbing Raven's hand

"and the revolt begins" Leoni muttered to herself

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