See that's a long story Octavia

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"Lincoln! It's me! We need to talk!" Leoni called, sauntering into the familiar cave but the blonde came to an abrupt stop when she saw a girl chained to the wall

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"Lincoln! It's me! We need to talk!" Leoni called, sauntering into the familiar cave but the blonde came to an abrupt stop when she saw a girl chained to the wall.

She had long brown hair and emerald green eyes that pleaded with Leoni's blue ones. Leoni pulled out her blade again, aiming it towards the girl.

"Who are you?" She asked raising her head to look down on the girl. The brunette tried to reply but she was muffled by the gag around her mouth. Leoni stepped forward and cut the gag with her blade quickly making the girl flinch.

"Who are you." The Haiplana asked again with more demand in her voice.

"My name is Octavia, I mean no harm, I don't know why I'm here, I won't tell a soul, I swear I-" The girl blabbered with terror in her voice, fear for her life

"Are you from the sky?" Leoni asked taking in Octavia's clothes and accent

"Yes I-wait. You speak English?" Octavia frowned

"Most of us do, yes." Leoni explained putting her blade away.

"Where is Lincoln?"

"Is he the man that lives here?" Octavia asked trying to gather more information about her situation

"Well no shit Sherlock why else would I be here" Leoni rolled her eyes, unused to people questioning her. She crouched in front of the beat up girl, inspecting her curiously. Octavia's face fell into a frown. 'No shit Sherlock' was an Ark phrase...maybe not.

"He em, he left" she stuttered fearfully

"Classic." Leoni rolled her eyes again before grabbing Octavia's cheek and pushing it so she had a better view of the large gash on the captive's face. Examining it carefully she looked the girl in the eyes.

"Did he do this to you?" The Haiplana asked angrily, she thought her friend had a better manner than that

"No-I fought I- I don't think he meant it I-"

"You talk too much" Leoni stated bluntly leaving the girls cheek and standing back up.

"Please don't kill me" Octavia begged making Leoni burst into laughter

"Why would I kill you?" She asked amusedly

"I don't know I just em-"

"Have you done something that deserves death Octavia of the sky people?" Leoni raised an eyebrow

"No no no I swear"

"Then live you shall" Leoni waved her hands around dramatically. She walked around the cave picking things up and flicking through books.

"Won't he get mad that you're going through his stuff?" Octavia asked, becoming more confident

"He's used to it... I used to live here with him." Leoni waved away her comment

"Oh are you two..." Sensing Octavia's train of thought Leoni scoffed

"No no god no. He's like a brother to me. My best friend" Octavia nodded.

"What's your name?" Octavia kept prodding

"See that's a long story Octavia" Leoni snapped the book she was holding shut and looked towards the young girl. She couldn't just give up the fact that she was from the sky, not yet. But she wasn't ready to make this girl think she was superior...not yet.

"A story I'm not ready to share" after that muffled voices could be heard from the entrance to the cave

"Bellamy!" Octavia whispered in hope

"What is a Bellamy?" Leoni asked confused. She drew her blade once again and got ready to fight

"Bellamy is my brother! Stop!" With that the boy Leoni assumed was Bellamy burst in with a group of people. Leoni didn't hesitate to spin the boy around and hold her spear to his throat. Leoni's first encounter with her people started with violence. How romantic

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