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"what the fuck?" Leoni asked, pushing herself up from the table  and walking to the front door cautiously. she slipped out with Miller and Jackson

"holy shit" Miller gasped when he saw Octavia and Clarke passed out on the floor a short distance away

"TAVI! CLARKE!" Leoni screamed and tried to run towards them

"no no no no" Jackson caught the blonde
"Octavia was screaming your name as if she was scared. someone from Bardo is here, you need to hide. if they've seen your journal...shit this is my fault you didn't even want to write in that damn book" Jackson started spiralling

"point is you need to hide! go! we'll keep Lexa and Maddie safe" Miller took over

"i'm not gonna just hide from my problems i want to fight!" Leoni argued as vengeance filled her heart

"Heda! you don't just have a people to stay alive for anymore, you're no longer replaceable. hide for your children! you're the mother they can never replace and will never recover from losing!" Miller said sternly and pushed Leoni away. with a last torn look she started sprinting away. she got round the corner and froze. she felt it. he was there. Sheidheda.

"now tell me Sheidheda. how did you survive this one?" Leoni looked around intuitively. she could feel him. just like she'd felt him in her damn head. she felt a strike come near her and she spun out of its way. a fist collided with her face and the contact was all Leoni needed to pull Sheidheda into a headlock. he turned off his invisibility and started to laugh. Leoni had to compose herself when she realised Sheidheda had been reincarnated in disciple Kelly's body

"i feel as though i've been caught" he tutted like it was nothing but a minor inconvenience

"what the fuck do you want from me?" Leoni sneered. without a second beat Sheidheda pushed the blonde up against the wall, cheek smashed on the cold surface.

"i've been in your head Leok. i know everything you think and feel before you think and feel it." he hissed in Leoni's ear sending shivers down her spine.
"you my dear girl are the key to the transcendence of the human race and they sent me to take you to them" he grinned
"but you know what makes this little meet up even more exciting? i don't even want to transcend i want to rule. which i will once you're out of the way" he sighed
"now they gave me 2 options Leok and seeing as i'm the gentleman you know and love i'll give you the choice sound good?" he asked but Leoni only stared ahead furiously
"ok. so i can use these" he held up a bottle of glowing blue pills
"they'll calm you down and take you straight to where they want you all nice and peacefully or i can use this intriguing trinket" he held up a long knife grinning as he did so. Leoni recognised it to be the same as the one that had brought her to Bardo in the first place
"if you resist" he threatened
"but surely my precious Leok knows what's good for her" Leoni didn't answer. she couldn't bare to say a word
"or if you don't pick one we can use option 3 which is for me to gut you right here right now and that'll be the end of it but something tells me you want to raise that little barn animal family of yours so you'll take the pills-" Leoni had lost all patience by that point. she spun around and pushed Sheidheda to the opposite wall with all her strength

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY CHILDREN" the blonde yelled. at that moment she was sense shatteringly enraged to the extent that she didn't see the spear emerge from Sheidheda's suit

"LEONI NO!" Gabriel yelled and ran towards them. he shoved Leoni out of the way before Sheidheda could stick his spear into her. instead he plunged it into Gabriel over and over again
"GET HELP" he screamed. Leoni went hurling down the corridor with Shiedheda tight on her heels

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